1,087 thoughts on “DSC07510”

  1. 23/06/2010 – 5:kmr5pul1o, viendo a eslovenía me acordé del fútbol racano de suiza, su victoria frente a españa fue una de las chorras del mundial ya q no jugaron a nada, ojala me equivoque pero veo a españa y chile pasando y ojala a españa ganando y como 1era de grupo

  2. Shame it didnt get a little wider audience since im sure graduates can use the info. I remember during my residency that most of these issues were discussed by my program director at several conferences. Several residents thought it was weird for such a topic during residency. I really didnt know what to think at the time but now i realize he really was trying to help.How the heck did you get that into my field by not yours?

  3. 大変お疲れのことと思います。どうかここで相談して少しでも楽になれていたらいいのですが…思うに,最初は確かに助けてもらったり先輩ママ?として頼りになったかもしれません。でも,今の彼女はその時の彼女と同一人物ではなく,違う人になってしまったのだと思います。だって,あなたは自分より後に生まれた友人を助けてあげたりする時に,彼女の家の前で子供におしっこさせますか?ここ日本ですよ?ありえないですよね。人の家に云々もありますが,最近幼児を狙う変質者が多い中で誰が見て撮影してるかわからないのに外で出させるという自分の子供に対してもアウトだろ~と思うからです。そういうことが分からない人は,先輩ママとしてあれこれ教えてくれた人と同じですか?違いますよね。だから距離を置くことに罪悪感を感じることはないです。それに一番大事なことに気付いてますか?ママ友からあなたの友達になったお友達そのものと,ママ友でしかない人とは根本的に違うんです。前者は友達だけど,後者は「知り合い」「あったら話す程度の顔見知り」でしょ?しかも友人になった人とちがってママ友は子供を通じた付き合いでしかない。問題の彼女も子供の育児サークルでの知り合いでまだ友達になってないからママ友ですよね?子供同士が仲良くてどうしても!っていうならともかく,お友達に泣かされても○○君ママは○○君を庇う。先に手を出して虐めるのは○○君なのに…ってお子さんだって理不尽に思って本当は好きじゃないかも?お子さんのためにも距離を置いていいと思います。他のサークルも試してみるとか,或いは習い事を始めたり,土日や夜は「家族で過ごしてるから遠慮してくれる?昼も夜もなくそこまで付き合いきれない」と言うか「旦那に怒られるからごめんまたね」で叩き切る。その後は留守電にしてスルー(暴言吐いてくれたら証拠になるから消さないで)。元々のあなたのお友達や親と会ったりしてみたらどうかしら?あと誘われる前に子供と二人で出掛けてしまう。いないならしょうがないもの。既に自分の手下みたいに振舞ってるんですから,ここで切らないと子供も彼女の息子の手下扱いになっちゃうよ!頑張ってね!

  4. Hi Margareth they are looking good – watch the macaron FAQ video and at 5:14 you can see the macarons from undermixed through to overmixed – yours look like the undermixed ones- the first ones in the picture no foot and with some cracks. Try as suggested in the video piping some batter, folding some more pipr some more… and you’ll get the hang of it in no time. The exact number of folds required will depend on the way you fold and what you are using to fold it as long as you know what works for you remember that and go with it.

  5. er jo ikke spesielt overnaturlig, vi har jo før hørt om NFC og hva du kan gjøre med det. Vi skrev nettopp en sak om NFC som muliggjør et nytt betalingssystem, Google Wallet. Det forskes også en del på NFC i

  6. Beste Wilge e.a.Naar enkele landen is het niet mogelijk om een enkele reis te boeken. Wij willen in juni naar Sardinië vliegen en dan 'aanschuiven' bij familie in de camper en met hen terug naar Nederland reizen. Kun je gewoon een enkele vliegreis boeken of doen ze daar in Sardinië moeilijk over?Ineke

  7. #105 clot:Out where I live, we don’t even have enough lower-income people to staff entry-level jobs. You don’t have them, or the residents refuse to work at those jobs.I am amaazed at the amount of resumes I see, from young college grads, who have never, ever, worked a single day in their life in any capacity.Now they expect because they graduated from (fill in your latest buzzz college or university) that they should be paid big bucksAgain I am truly amazed young people 22, 23, 24 years old who have never, ever been employed.

  8. Time for a big new t-shirt order! How about some help on a new saying! Winner gets free t-shirt! Here are a few ideas:1-”Strong is beautiful”2- “Rx as the doctor ordered”3- “My warmup is your workout”4- “You nervous about your workout? Good, you should be!”Please post your comments by Friday! Winner Will be announced Saturday!

  9. Hi Zeh.Pretty nice demo, with great easing for the camera.Tweener and Papervision are a great match, precisely because of Tweener’s decoupling with flash’s native data types.Everyday I find out something that can be tweened in a one-liner, and Papervision will surely be a great source for playing with Tweener.cheersArthurPosted by on ·

  10. Her var det mye godt bÃ¥de for gane og syn;)Skulle tatt en tur dit jeg ogsÃ¥;)Vi venter storinnrykk imorgen, og jeg skulle ønske været kunne vært pÃ¥ vÃ¥r side…Kos deg og klem fra meg;)

  11. legal as fotos vieram !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!O espaço do Alpha é tão bonito que poderia estar mais e mais por aqui, só faz bem a todos olhar os seus cantinhos sempre tão bem fotografados pela Maninha. boa semana a todosConstança

  12. Bureaucrats…the soulless denizens that make up the government who defend to the death the status quo despite the need of a long overdue, overhaul. Hence the reason rebellions occur…not because people hate government and love anarchy, but because a stagnant government is just as bad as no government.I'm sorry to say this Ranger, but sometimes…DMV is far less bureucratic than the Military.

  13. はじめまして。ミニとまとと申します。我が家は転勤族プラス、旦那が出張が多い職業柄、この手の質問は得意分野かと思って遅ればせながらコメントを残させていただきます。まず、みなさんが心配されてるような、5ヶ月間もの長期間をご主人と離れてくらす・・ということは別にそれぞれのご家庭しだいから心配ないかな〜と思います。うちは旦那が仕事で5ヶ月間不在にすることもありますし、そういう関係で出産時に奥さんが里帰りすることは普通です。逆に里帰りしない人を見ると「大丈夫?」と心配されます。年末年始や三連休などがあれば交通費はかかるけど会いにきてもらうことだって出来るし、ご主人だって転勤したての職場で仕事に馴染むのにも大変だろうし、大変な分野は違うけど、お互いがんばろ〜と励まし合って過ごせばよいのではないでしょうか?転勤する事自体いいかどうかは、旦那様の中で、自己のステップアップのために・・などの考えがあるんではないでしょうか?男と女では仕事に対する考え方ってやはり微妙に違うところがあると思うので、一度話し合われたらいいかなっと思いました。話しは逸れましたが、ご質問の住民票の移動については、やっぱりお金のことが一番重要かと思いました。妊婦検診しかり、小児医療助成制度など地域によって助成金額が違うので、調べて助成金が多い方に住民票を置いておく方が得です。住民票を写してしまうと、妊婦検診も小児医療も他市町村でかかると、まずは実費で医療機関に支払いをして、後から役所に申請して償還払いをしてもらわなければなりません。これも意外と負担になります。私の知り合いで、二人目出産時に里帰りをして、冬だったから暖かくなるまで実家にいるつもりだからと、わざわざ実家に住民票を移した方がいます。住んでる市は小児医療は無料ではなかったし、実家の方は無料だった。それに保健師さんが訪問してくれる一ヶ月健診などは、里帰りの人は対象外だったりと、なにかと住民票がないというのは不便だからという理由でした。ただご主人の勤務先次第では、同時に住民票を移さないと扶養手当をだせない・・などという場合もあると思うので、その点もお調べになったほうがいい思います。私的に、どちらが楽と思うかといえば、やはりご実家のほうに住民票があるほうが行政的には楽だと思います。そうそう、産後三ヶ月健診は恐らくどこの市町村でも一斉に子どもを集めて行うと思うので、里帰りしてる方はこの日に合わせて大体住まいに帰ってきます。こういうのも、ご実家のほうで受けれたら帰ってくる時期もご夫婦の都合で決めることも出来るしいいのになって思います。大変な時期だと思いますが、家族の為、がんばって乗り切ってくださいね☆

  14. Where I live the Russians/Ukrainians are mostly evangelicals (Baptist, Pentecostal etc.) They aren't that politically active yet but the ones who are have strong GOP/Tea Party leanings. I live in Western Washington, which is one of the most solidly Democratic areas of the country so their votes are pretty much cancelled out by the minority/union/upper-middle-class liberal vote.

  15. So i get it work like it was. It is showing just name of the widget at the main page of my blog, but no categories inside. When i look into widgets managing at WP i can see 5 unused widgets of Collapsing Categories, which i tried to appear at the main page but it was constantly disappearing 🙁 any suggestions ?

  16. Bob / December 3, 2007Vista and Server 2008 use Transactional NTFS this is what makes both more secure than Windows 2000/XP. Vista is designed to defragment the hard drive on a shedule. Most probably Server 2008 will also perform the task automatically. Unlike Windows 2000/XP there is hardly any speed boost from running defrag with Windows Vista, at least I haven’t gained anything from doing so as of yet.Reply

  17. I much prefer the alternative idiom and can definitely see it catching on! I also feel particularly warm and open to any advice that begins, \\”Do not rush out and purchase anything\\”. Words to live by!And Wilhelmina, love the newly-coined and freshly-minted puns – I think you\\’re right on the money and I don\\’t mind cashing in myself.

  18. And if you all believe that progressives have the power, then that’s where I’m heading off to. It is where self-interested persons can take advantage of the one thing that matters.[…]I think my choice to become a faux-leftist will be a good one in progressing my personal interests under the guise of the collective.A very wise choice, 33. If you think you have what it takes to go succeed, signing on with the left can only help you and declaring for the far right can only weaken you. Nobody here would disagree.

  19. 9c239marija:936247Ситуация была как у Ксении один в один. Про интеллект и ГВ. Сегодня была на собрании в садике у сына, он пошел из яслей в младшую группу. И что? Мой ИВ ребенок опережает в развитии и размерах своих согруппников. Заведующая сама предложила его в среднюю группу. Так что зря я убивалась о несостоявшемся ГВ.f7

  20. 21/05/2011  10:00 дп Цена Качество Престиж Доступность А не подскажете какой косметикой вы пользуетесь сейчас? У меня такая же проблема как и у вас. Заранее спасибо!!! Ð’Ñ‹ согласны? 0  0

  21. Holy $hit!!!What are you?A GIANT KILLER???That Skull is massive!!!…Must have been the result of a crazy night on the mind altering performance enhancing energy drugs???Also,I'm intrigued by the mere mention of 'Top Shelf Stuff'…(Liking 'The Killing Joke' poster & Daleks…"Exterminate!!!")

  22. ΒΙΣΠροσθέτω κι άλλο ένα ερώτημα:Μπορεί κάποιος να μου πει μια χώρα που ενώ έχει χρεοκοπήσει, συνεχίζουν να τη δανείζουν?

  23. Have worked to keep spoiler-free and been counting down the days . . . I am sooo ready. Will be watching about 6 hours behind the U.K. but plan on a pre-watch rush from checking out all you live bloggers in the U.K.

  24. lost (93)-I don’t know if I’d be a good teacher or not. All I know is, I wouldn’t last 15 minutes on Day 1 in any school out there.You can’t pay a good teacher enough. I just wish we had the sense- and the mechanisms- to get rid of the bad ones.

  25. Kevin / FermínA great example of how this activity could work with educators reaching out to others in a different country.Have you decided which language you will be using to communicate with each other in the future?Kevin / FermínUn gran ejemplo de cómo esta actividad podría trabajar con los educadores llegar a los otros en un país diferente.¿Ha decidido qué idioma que se utiliza para comunicarse unos con otros en el futuro?

  26. me’ boots on in the time that it seems to be taking a bunch of cotton socks to pick the friction induced bobbles off their colourful bods, I would say she was right to help herself to the Corsa, how else would she have made the 12:10 to Hookersville?Otherwise i havn’t a freakin clue whats going on here. everyone know’s, you gotta be a whole lot more than a puppet to wake up with a ‘lady’ like that in your flat

  27. I agree, the way it is now is basically 5 stars if you like it, 1 if you don't. Since it is like that, I think it should be taken out. There should still be a rating system, but it shouldn't be something that people can spam up the rating with. A rating system that goes by how many favorites a video has per subscriber would possibly achieve this goal. More subscribers would mean more favorites needed for a good rating.

  28. من این فیلم را در زمین خاکی فوتبال شهرمان دیدم البته از طریق موبایل مشاهده میکردیم.بخدا قسم به جان مادرم همه بچه ها به هیجان آمده بودند و میگفتند بزنید بزنید محکمتر بزنید بز6904نید بزنید محکمتر….سوال من این هست که بسیج چرا اینقدر منفور مردم شده است که وقتی کتک میخورند اینچنین مردم به هیجان می آیند؟؟؟؟ لطفا پاسخ من را بدهید؟لطفا سوال من را بی جواب نگذارید؟؟؟ممنون

  29. Certainly agree with simply what you said. Your elucidation was certainly the simplest to comprehend. I tell you, I habitually grow irritated several time people discuss concerns that these persons noticeably don’t know concerning. You were able to strike the nail on the head plus spelled out the entire thing with out complication. Perhaps, individuals might take a signal. Will likely be back to acquire more. Appreciate it.

  30. Your garden is so ahead of mine. The roses are so pretty. I have some buds but no blooms. The lavender is going to be so lovely and smell divine . Beautiful blooms for GBBD.

  31. I agree with all of you. I emailed Discovery channel yesterday and told them that this show was disgusting. Dressing innocent babies like hookers and parading them in front of who knows how many thousands of child molesters and perverts, is unacceptable. Everyone should email Discovery channel over and over again until they finally get this garbage off the air. All of these childrens mothers should be charged with child abuse… I would love to see this show cancelled and taken off the air ASAP

  32. FTSEMIB – ENIRibasso con trappola e a seguire sparata fino a 17000? Che l’indice rifiati non mi sembra male, potrebbe proseguire poi con decisione al rialzo. Stiamo a vedere e aspettiamo il report. Mio atto di indisciplina : aperto uno short su ENI ieri ; il gap da chiudere mi sembrava evidente. Ma , come al solito, è intraday da seguire attaccati al monitor e non è nello spirito di Shotrading.

  33. Júlia Aguiar comentou em 10 de novembro de 2011 às 03:55. Oi JúliaSou mt sua fã, aprendi mt coisa vendo seus videos.Mas estou com uma duvida, tenho cabelo de piupiu igual vc e ate já encontrei uns sites que estão vendendo o pó da osis a uns 35reais (bem em conta, só estava achando a 52) mas queria saber se shampoo seco de aerosol também serve pra dar volume ou apenas pra tirar oleosidade

  34. Can someone tell Rihanna to something trying to make Trukfit happen. It’s not going to happen. (In my Regina vc)Solange is getting boring.Conor… Did Tom have a black woman or is he a privileged adopted black kid?Nicole looks good…Rocsi… you can never attention whore as good as Kim. Get over it.Latoya doesn’t look bad at all I must sayTracy fiance is a good look for him.Tinie….. whooo lord…

  35. : C’est clair que son père n’a pas été un modèle concernant les mariages… Surtout que Jean avec sa jolie bouille promet des aventures tumultueuses…Laissons pisser pour l’instant, ils ont encore des jours heureux devant eux.

  36. Cristina disse:Oi, Giulia!Eu tinha uma promoção, que a Coca-Cola fez, com os engradados vermelhos e as garrafas, lindo! Quando meus filhos nasceram e descobriram perdi, memso quando escondi. Ganhava! Vc juntava algumas tampas e trocava!Só que era miniatura, que eu amo!Cris.

  37. I’ll give you credit Jay, from the length of your responses you’ve done a lot of googling. The conclusion doesn’t change however. Atheism is merely another form of idolatry leaning apparently to pantheism. You’ve exerted quite a bit of energy proving that point. The reality is that, you do believe in a god. Just not The God of the Bible. Atheism, as it presents itself, does not exist.

  38. Elke Schgerne empfohlen und mal wieder dabei Fan bin ich auch geworden vom Monsterzeug ;o)Und gewinnen würde ich unwahrscheinlich gerne die Popcorn-Maschine, diese möchte ich schon lang haben – kommt gleich hinter einer Zuckerwatte-Maschine, die ich noch einen Tick lieber hätte Finde aber alle Gewinne einzigartig!Liebe Grüße zur NachtElke

  39. Non stia lì a dolersi sig.Reginaldus,ci penserà Dio a israele,per bocca del suo profeta disse:guai a te israele se costruirai Gerusalemme con il sangue…Guai a te,se lo costruirai prima della fine dei tempi..Cosa avrà voluto dire con il:prima della fine dei tempi?Che non è il momento giusto per l’israele terreno, perche questo dovrà avere inizio con la distruzione del mondo intero??Sembrerebbe che pensino questo i rabbini che vivono in Iran.Sbaglio??

  40. Pelegrin Castillo, uno de los legisladores en terminos de aportes al debate de las ideas, el mas sobresalientes. Este legislador ha demostrado, que todo hombre o mujer con deceos de ir al congreso debe de acompañarse de un faldo de conocimientos, que les permitiran abordar con toda facilidad los temas mas controverciales, sin el temmor de quedar mal parado. Felicidades legislador o mejor dicho asambleista destacado.

  41. is ja auch klaaaar! Ich finde nur solch Videos schwachsinnig.Ich mein da geben diese Autofreaks 1/4 Millionen € für ein neufahrzeug aus oder mehrere 10 Tausende €uros um die Motoren ihre alten Autos zu Tunen um eine bessere beschleunigung zu bekommen und schneller zu sein als alle anderen wobei die dafür nur einen Klasse A Führerschein und das Motorrad aus diesem Video brauchen.Aber nööö stattdessen ziehen diese Affen über dieses Motorrad und andere Supersportler noch her.

  42. It reads the same in the Anniversary edition. I guess it's just wishful thinking on my part that there was some external influence pushing Laura to cheat on Shadow. Except for that detail, they do seem pretty good together. But I suppose she had her reasons, as she talked about in the graveyard outside Lakeside

  43. it is the ideas, the context, the progress on the path, the evolution, the development, the human quest, the flow, the energy …. we don't shoot the messenger, we don't praise the messenger …. say thank you very much and keep flying (those in the messenger business can ignore this, think the post was about users)

  44. I love the Juice Beuty Srem Cellular line. It's all organic, cruelty free, and no nasty parabens . I have used Roc years ago but am now loving JB. No foundation for me, just blush and mascara. I agree that genetics play a big part. And of course no smoking, which is very aging. I'm 60 and am always complimented on my skin which I owe to my parents genes, no sun and no smoking. Of course a glass of red wine is good for it too!

  45. I loved as much as you will receive carried out right here. The sketch is tasteful, your authored material stylish. nonetheless, you command get bought an nervousness over that you wish be delivering the following. unwell unquestionably come further formerly again as exactly the same nearly very often inside case you shield this hike.

  46. I’m willing to give him a chance. Chris Reeves was an unknown when he took the role and now he’s THE Superman everyone remembers. The net (what a shock) was in uproar when Heath Ledger was cast as the Joker, was in uproar when Daniel Craig was cast as Bond (see a patter here?) So I’m willing to give him a chance.

  47. Cand eram mica am avut o reactie alergica la nush-care antibiotic asa ca maica-mea m-a ferit de ele. Acum ca adult au fost cateva situatii in care a fost absolut necesar sa iau (de exemplu amigdalita nu imi trece fara antibiotic nici daca ii fac descantece, si durerile sunt naspa de tot), insa reactionez imediat de la ele, la prima pastila in general dispar deja simptomele, si asta probabil tocmai pentru ca nu am facut abuz

  48. Valentina,eu fico sempre encantada com a delicadeza do acabamento dos doces franceses… um dia chego lá. Agora esta receita de bolo de figos. Quero comer já. Por coincidência, acabo de chegar na casa dos meus para em BH e minha mãe acabou de fazer uma compota de doce de figos verdes fresca (bem mineira…)… e ela tb ficou com água na boca com seu bolo. Bjs,Letícia

  49. I can attest that I consider bicycle parking availability before I go somewhere. I have a semi-electric rMartin bike that is my best exercise machine in the summer. I have learned where there are good poles (sign, utility, etc) that I can lock my bike to. It is a lot of trouble but there is one near Phillips drug on Main St. so I can support them. Was just there this morning. I will be glad to donate to the cause. Good topic, Chris.

  50. Congratulations on the blogoversary.My prompt would be a world where quantum mechanics applies to people (in particular the idea of superposition). I’m particularly thinking of weakly interpreting this in a way where people can overlap in the same space and time (possibly unless measured). What implications does this have for the world and culture? Bonus points for combining this into one of the previous prompts

  51. Its unusual for me to discover something for the cyberspace thats as exciting and intriguing as that which you have here. Your page is lovely, your graphics are outstanding, and whats more, you utilize reference that happen to be strongly related what you are saying. Youre certainly one in a thousand, keep up the great work!

  52. Hi,We will only be in town for two weeks beginning the night of the Dec. 21st. Our son’s board, shaped by Ryan Engle, fell off the wall with part of the surfboard rack just as we were leaving in Oct. We would like to make an appointment to repair the ding for Sat the 22nd so we can get it back in time for him to use it before we leave. Please let us know if this will be possible.ThanksRobin

  53. « Parfois » en effet…mais aussi les séparations sont le plus souvent dictées par l’égoïsme actuel et par le sacro-saint « droit au bonheur » qu’ont les adultes, au détriment de tant d’enfants. Réfléchissons-y au moment où ce droit de quelques adultes au bonheur égoïste va fouler des pieds le droit des enfants, pourtant plus faibles, à leur propre bonheur. Tout cela au nom de l’égalité des droits, brandie par un lobby…

  54. Ce poti zice… mare e gradina lui ala de la etaj, oricare ar fi pe acolo…Cand ii vezi pe eroii astia, aproape ca iti vine sa crezi ca cineva acolo sus i-a creeat ca sa isi demonstreze ca evolutia nu poate creea prosti mai mari.Oricum, ai multa rabdare… eu cand vad cate un lobotomizat de genu exemplelor tale, prefer sa nu maresc cota de CO2 a planetei discutand cu ei. Exista o limita sub care omu nu mai e om ci doar animal… cum nu se poate invata un porc sa zboare, tot asa un crestinopat de genu ala nu poate fi convins sa gandeasca… ii lipseste organul…

  55. BosauSie scheinen ja “bekennender” Jurist zu sein.Erklären Sie doch bitte, warum Sie an den inzwischen zu erheblichen Teilen beweisbaren, betrügerischen Machenschaften und technischen Fehlleistungen und Falscheinschätzung der Risiken von Bahn, ehemaliger Regierung BW, derzeitiger Bundesregierung und der übrigen Vorantreiber von S 21 anscheinend GAR NICHTS auszusetzen haben ! Gehört S 21 vielleicht zu Ihrer privaten Interessenlage ?

  56. Um dilúvio de merda devia cair na fuça de muitos dos nossos"governantes" e "ex-governantes",ou antes "desgovernantes", até se afogarem todos e finalmente partirmos do zero para que este País, que apesar de tudo ainda muitos de nós amamos, entrasse na rota certa!Como isto está e com esta gentinha, podre de valores nunca mais lá vamos!…Zé de Aveiro

  57. creo que el ignorante y necio esres tú, la religion es la primera que aparece en todas las civilizaciones, si no quieres salir de la ignorancia estas bien ahí como vas y no tiene caso que trabaje yo sacando informacion para que tu la tire a la basura, que tenga buena vida y que mi Dios te bendiga y si tambien eres falto de inteligencia porque no sabes reconocer cuando ya has perdido. chao

  58. NYC has the Sullivan Act which was passed way back when. What it did was outlaw the ownership/possession of hand guns. The reason? The city government was so corrupt they did not trust anyone but their friends with guns. Bloomberg would have felt right at home back then, maybe even more at home at the Salem Witch Trials.

  59. אני מורה בבי”ס יסודי במעלה אדומים. השנה בתי הספר הצטרפו לאופק החדש בנוסף למסגרת יוח”א שקיימת בבתי הספר בעיר. מתחילת השנה שמענו הבטחות שונות מההסתדרות ועד לימים אלה לא נעשה דבר. אשמח לדעת מה התוכניות לגבינו בהמשך

  60. Yeah, Lexi is eating tons of solid foods now, and Elena is still nursing her almost every hour on the hour. She is definitely overfeeding Lexi at this point, I think. When my kids started solids, that meal generally replaced a nursing session, as opposed to supplementing it. And she’s really quick to whip out a boob at the first sign of fussing (and this is from a person who had a son who did lots of comfort nursing).

  61. Along with anything which seems to be developing within this area, many of the opinions are actually fairly exciting. However, I ask your excuse, because I truly do not provide credence in your entire notion, all whether it be stimulating probably none the much less. It looks in my opinion that the remarks are in reality not entirely rationalized and the truth is you are generally your self not even wholly confident in the assertion. In any event I did so enjoy going through it.

  62. Take a look at their body of work, Nick, and you’ll see they are sculptors masquerading as architects. Due to its utility, architecture has a fundamental ethical responsibility to the public; art has so such responsibility and indeed should not. The attempt at “use” in the form of the “bench” and the “wall” is a red herring for what is really just a wilful piece of sculpture. They set themselves up for this kind of criticism; clearly its real functionality is secondary and tenuous.

  63. I’m a huge supporter of Valentine and JustRetweet as well. Valentine has gone out of his way to make sure that the site is safe and spam free. His goal is to provide a tool for bloggers to promote their content and interact with each other. Thanks for the shout out for the site and I look forward to connecting with you and the other bloggers who have joined.

  64. Herzdruckmassagemax 3mg Atropin, in der Wirkung eher fraglich (oder ist das aus den aktuellen Guidelines schon rausgeflogen?)Defipaddles draufPacen, solange Stromstärke erhöhen, bis Kammerkomplexe zu sehen sind und ein Auswurf vorhanden ist.Wenn das alles nix hilft, nach Schema F reanimieren.VA:F [1.9.20_1166](from 1 vote)

  65. February 17, 2011 at 10:48 amI vote Connie Rock. She is my boss but way more than that and for a much longer time than that she has been my friend. In a week she is going to Cambodia to be an encouragement to some missionary friends who used to work for AIM who have been over there for the past few years rescuing and rehabilitating sex slaves. She is still $800 short and needs to have that money before she goes. Reply

  66. in 2003 15 school girls burned to death in saudi arabia because the religious police refused to let them leave a burning building without their veils.girls under the age of 10 are routinely married to men in their 50′s in saudi arabia… legally married. proof that muslims are child rapists.

  67. 1. 352. Ytimessä3. Ytimestä huolimatta kyllä4. Laatu ehdottomasti. Määrää ei halua eikä jaksa kantaa jatkuvasti UFF:lle kun kyllästyy siihen että se täyttää kaapit. 5. Leimaan kellokorttia (+30 h saldoja kasassa!)6. Aina näillä sivuilla lueskellessa alkaa tehdä niitä pinaattilettuja. Monta kertaa jo tehty kyllä, aina maistuu. Hyvältä maistuu.

  68. 201dKronenbier disse:Agora é meio tarde para eu correr atrás disso, mas tudo bem. Obrigado pela resposta.Fica outra dúvida: como proceder caso o computador seja comprado numa loja? Todos os relatos de reembolso que vi foram comprados diretamente nas mãos do fabricante, em especial na Dell. Nesse caso, acho que o contato deveria ser feito com a loja (ex: Americanas, Submarino etc) e provavelmente é mais problemático.

  69. Most of the above questions seem to revolve around risk during the flight tests as well as the risks that adhere to a production schedule that builds planes while the tests are ongoing. It seems to me that Boeing is famiiar with these possibilities and has organized its flow to react to these contingencies. Could Uresh address these issues and try to clarify the interaction between testing and production. The whole idea is to get the planes certified asap as well as get production lined up so deliveries are efficient.

  70. Maria das Graças disse:Sophia, fiquei encantada com a sua homenagem. Obrigada.Mas voltando às trufas, uma vez comprei um pequeno vidro de mel de abelhas com um pedacinho mínimo de trufa negra na Maison de la Truffe Madeleine. Usei em torradas no 1º dia, no 2º e depois não deu mais. O que sobrou dei para a moça que fazia a limpeza no apto.

  71. Oh, Susan! I do not know exactly how I ended up at this post about Laura Ashley, but I am so thankful I did! Biographies are the best! Each person has a life story to tell, so varied and interesting. I had never read anything about Laura Ashley–just admired her taste and products–before reading your account. I love the photo of you in the Laura Ashley dress and the drawing beside it. I have always loved your drawings of that hat. Thank you for writing this.

  72. Andre,Try using this version of the script. I’ve toned down some of the features and incorporated an Active Directory search for servers rather than pulling from a text file. That way, you won’t ever have to update the text file whenever servers are added or removed. On the PC that you will running the script, I recommend installing PowerGUI and the Quest Active Directory powerpack.Thanks,Chris

  73. Yes I can vouch for your democracy and ‘brofessionalism’ , especially after having witnessed censorship on other blogs. (Tarek Chemaly, I’m talking to you).I’m not saying this is a copy cat and I don’t mind inspirations. My problem is with the campaign itself. I’m just a little surprised that you criticize “inspired ads” but you’re completely fine with this one.

  74. Ого! Даже до рукоприкладства доходит?… Жесть! ((Никогда не считала эту школу образцовой,даже наоборот – так себе школа,хотя,несмотря на это,тут работают некоторые весьма достойные уважения педагоги… Это хоть утешает… ))

  75. Zdravím stretol sa už niekto s plastovou príchuťou v destiláte?Mne sa takéto čudo podarilo už 2krát na dvoch rôznych aparatúrach.Ten druhý destilát od výtoku s chladiča už do kontaktu z plastom neprišiel. Jediné čo majú spoločné je bečka kde bol kvas(120 litrová plastová kuka nádoba s koleskami od kositu)Mohlo sa z nej niečo vyluhovať do kvasu?Pomohla by 3.destilácia Ďakujem.

  76. Un cardigan di giusto peso è l’ideale in questa stagione!!Bella l’applicazione salvagomiti…tanti anni fa era un modo per nascondere i buchi che si formavano sulla maniche per il ripetuto sfregamento sui…banchi di scuola!!!Love mams

  77. "From all I understand, it's cheaper & more multi-role."It's also not an air superiority fighter.That's like saying "The F-15 is done, make way for the AV-8B!"Don't buy that MSM "pork" nonsense. The same people in the media who decry the Raptor as "pork" are salivating over Nat'l Health Care and Green Industry subsidies…

  78. พูดว่า:I do like the manner in which you have framed this situation plus it does indeed supply me personally a lot of fodder for consideration. Nevertheless, through what precisely I have witnessed, I only wish when other responses pack on that men and women continue to be on issue and in no way start upon a tirade regarding some other news of the day. Still, thank you for this fantastic piece and although I can not really go along with it in totality, I respect your viewpoint.

  79. Hello Rachel!I don’t think we met when I was down in Texas last November / December, but I was staying with the C family for a few weeks and met your family at church. I found your blog from a prayer request your mom sent my mom and wanted to let you know I will be praying for you and your family. I can only imagine how hard all this must be and I wish there was something I could do to help, but please know I will be praying for you. God has you in His hands.With love in Christ,Alyssa

  80. sept14Josiane Cossette Ah, que ça fait du bien de te lire, Luc! Bien que l’on ne se croise plus dans le cadre universitaire, c’est toujours un plaisir pour moi de lire tes articles sur la politique et le printemps Érable, de même que de rire de tes « memes », que je me suis fait un plaisir de partager sur Facebook. Continue! On a bien besoin de ta verve et de ta vision dans le contexte actuel.Une ex-doctorante en lettres à l’UQTR

  81. Talvez seja por razões como esta que tantos adeptos se insurgem contra os nossos paineleiros televisivos que não fazem nada ou quase nada na defesa do clube e muito em proveito próprio. As direcções têm relações institucionais a manter e um outro nível de comprometimento que não é comparável nem comportável com o que estes senhores podiam fazer em prol do clube que é suposto representarem.

  82. adw 1  1Korrektur – im Eifer des Gefechts passiert, damit ich nicht dümmer aussehe als nötig:CO2 – Kohlendioxid (Gas)H2CO3 – SäureHCO3- – einfach dissoziierte SäureCO3(2-) – doppelt dissoziierte SäureNH3 – Ammoniak (Gas)NH4+ – Ammonium-Ion (Base)so. sorry. Detailfrage, aber ich darf net klugscheißen, wenn das nicht stimmt…

  83. Great card, Michelle! Thanks for the chance to win the blog candy! That is such a cute set!My New Year’s resolution is to get more organized (in my craft room and my life!).Happy New Year to you! I look forward to meeting you in March at the Raleigh workshops.Thanks for all the wonderful inspiration!

  84. She made her feelings to you perfectly clear and served you with divorve papers. She got the ball rolling on this one. Let her prove to you she wants this marriage.

  85. I have been registered with Education Appointments for a few months now and have been very pleased with the schools and how much work I have had. I have had all full weeks work since October. As an NQT I had a few worries with the schools I would be in and the support but I can say Ryan and Sue have been fantastic to ease my worries and boost my confidence from the support they have provided.

  86. Don Rafael, maestro, tengo la sensación de que siempre somos los mismos gritando lo mismo y que esto no crece más allá. No hemos conseguido abrir alamedas después de tantos años, nos han traicionado por todos lados y al final los de siempre se salen con la suya, en Madrid quizás más, pero en todos lados la derecha económica nos gobierna y nos machaca. Estamos huérfanos de una Izquierda mayoritaria y real. Salud y República (disculpe por el pesimismo de este domingo)

  87. (and for all) – It may vary from time to time for special occasions, but *always* by Friday. With Christmas, the Holiday edition may go up on Wednesday, for a pending example. Ho Ho Ho!You’ll be able to see all the lists whenever you wish, so new popheads can just start at Week 1. POP ON!~ H.S.PS – on average – two keyboards/year. More from accidental spills than usage. lol

  88. Hi Patti,It must be a testament to a great designer that we can see his work and feel at home. It’s always my goal in decorating my own home…to achieve a level of welcoming comfort.It was so nice the hear from you…thanks for stopping by. I hope you’ll visit again.Karen

  89. J’ai une question bête : A quoi servent maintenant les balises de raccourcies aux xbbcodes ? =X Elles induisent dans l’erreur, puisque lorsqu’on clique sur « taille » pui « couleur », on a deux span qui apparaissent.Les petits nouveaux vont se sentir encore plus perdus que d’habitude, lorsqu’ils vont voir que leurs codes ne s’affichent pas, alors qu’ils ont tout bêtement cliqué sur des boutons. :^)

  90. Many thanks for your time to have put these things together on this blog site. Michael and that i very much treasured your suggestions through your own articles with certain things. I realize that you have a variety of demands on your own program so the fact that you took all the time like you did to steer people like us via this article is even highly liked.

  91. oui, en fait souvent, ils ont trouvé ça très rigolo! et étaient même très contents de me donner leur billet en plus! ils étaient surpris par mon audace et amusés. et en plus, j’avais aussi une bonne histoire à raconter, avec tout mon défi du Free Tickets World Tour dans plein de pays différents. J’ai souvent passé de très moment avec les personnes qui m’ont donné un billet! C’est un vrai échange!

  92. coucou Lancelot.nous sommes prets pour le contact skype de vendredi. nous avons adoré les chansons. on va se présenter devant ta classe. au fait ? quelle classe ?pour le spectacle de Noël, nous chantons des chansons des pays où tu vas…. on va en envoyer une à Cécilia. Une chanson en ROUMAIN !!on désire connaître l’emploi du temps de tes élèves, les matières, les vacances, bref tout comme nous.à vendredi.Les « nous de Bubry »

  93. Good Lord; The Waves are washing over the ship in the thousands of tons, and Chevron is baling with a teaspoon.The pip has popped, kiddos. Crude + Condensate Production has been declining since 2005, and China/India/Etc are increasing demand by a couple of million barrels/yr, now.On top of that, the "exporting" countries are rapidly increasing their consumption.Gasoline prices will continue to rise until we fall back into recession. December, at the latest.

  94. it's really pretty with the uniform headstones and all. wonder what kind of spring flooding there will be this year? no snow/ice to melt?! but some got too much rain?

  95. Redescendez sur terre au lieu de vous entêter dans votre croisade (Jihad?) contre Charlie Hebdo: il n’y a pas eu de manifestations hormis quelques illuminés.Ensuite Charb est menacé de mort depuis plus d’un an. Il n’y a rien de révoltant à ce qu’il soit protégé par la police face à cela, ce qui est révoltant est qu’il ai besoin d’être protégé par la police.

  96. I am a huge Oscar Wilde fan. While doing some research on Wilde and the Victorians, I stumbled upon the fact that “earnest” was a word commonly associated with gay men. Some people believe “The Importance of Being Earnest” hints at this, as Wilde was a homosexual himself. Based on this knowledge, the famous Bristol Old Vic Theatre performed “The Importance of Being Earnest” with an all-male cast. Unfortunately, they can never re-use the costumes from the production, as all the female dresses were made for large men!- Gary Webber

  97. Can I just say what a relief to find a person that really knows what they’re talking about on the web. You actually understand how to bring a problem to light and make it important. More people should check this out and understand this side of your story. I was surprised you’re not more popular because you certainly possess the gift.

  98. 23fWell, I deduce that could ensue because Abigail and the girls commenced accusing other folks of witchcraft when they had been recently bare dancing naked within the woods and consequently, corrupt. Abigail furthermore engaged in a affair along with John Proctor. Those they were accusing were absolutely not legally responsible of quite what they’d been recently accused connected with, and the distinct accusers had been the furthermost gadget on the globe from being holy… they defunct up connection bogus witness.

  99. Federico,guardando la posizione della guglia rispetto all'edificio 7 nella prima foto e confrontandola con quella immediatamente successiva, è abbastanza evidente che la guglia corrisponda all'angolo destro esterno della torre piuttosto che al suo centro. cosa ne pensi?Grazie dello spunto: ho ricontrollato, ho generato un'immagine di confronto e ho controllato con la planimetria delle Torri e mi risulta che sia lo spigolo del fascio centrale di colonne. Non corrisponde allo spigolo esterno.Ti ho citato nei contributi all'.

  100. ALL GLORIES TO HIS DIVINE GRACE A.C.BHAKTIVEDANTA SWAMI SRILA PRABHUPADA!-Oh Prabhu,you have got the story all wrong…Obviously Radhanatha Swami is in divine union with Lord Caitanya Himself.Anyone who finds fault with him must be an envious demon.—-No,all should follow his example:Water down Srila Prabhupada’s teachings totally,become a “so-called-guru”,and enjoy all the way down to HELL.Because that’s exactly where this “poser”is going…JAI RADHE!

  101. Just how conservative can Napoleon be when in the David progandist painting he snatches the crown from the Pope's hands, and sticks it on his own head ?I call that… a self made man in the making.Debra, by marrying the Austrian Emperor's daughter he gave a guarantee to the reactionaries that his Empire would be inherited by a Hapsburg Dauphin.See explanation above.Note also that Count Metternich – who was not at all impressed with the restored Bourbons – counted Bonaparte as a better counter revolutionary than the newly reinstalled (but soon to be overthrown) French aristocracy.

  102. This is the precise » Shoe Styles for every occasion 7vachan blog journal for anyone who wants to act out out nearly this substance. You observe so untold its virtually debilitating to fence with you (not that I real would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new rotation on a issue thats been transcribed active for eld. Respectable personalty, simply uppercase!

  103. Anh , Giang & HT : Đến 9:00 Ngày 13-06-2012 , mẹ cháu vẫn chưa nhận một đồng nào trong số tiền các bạn đang quan tâm.Các bạn có thể trao đổi với mẹ bé Huyền ( số di động có trên trang đầu của blog).

  104. Moohaha I have to agree but there have been others to argue the point that their characters were important enough to at least mention of them dying.I’m soooooo looking forward to Wednesday nights episode. BRING IT ON!

  105. I am a novice in graphics business, we make cradboard box for groceries like cereal box.Can anybody let me know if there’s an application where I’m able to distinct templates of grocery box design, with choice of typing my very own measurement?I am getting a difficult time drawing it by hand.

  106. Excelent, excelent article. However, I wouldn’t be surprised if some powerful individuals are already cooking up a most devious plot to neutralize and destroy Dr. Paul; a difficult task nevertheless, as this candidate does not appear to have any real skeletons in his closet. Standing up to corporatism, but not having mainstream media support has been, historically, a not very good hand in the game of U.S. politics.

  107. This is a handy feature indeed Google. I believe the webmaster tools team has surely delivered a tool that allows easy analysis of performance, thanks guys! Now the ball is over at us as well as the Google teams that create so many useful tools we all like to use such as Google maps. My Google maps implementation seems to need 10 JS requests (2 for maps.google.com) and 8 for (maps.gstatic.com) according to the Google Webmaster tools.

  108. Mitt Rodney Mitt Romney… Panowie,już na poczÄ…tku tekstu taki byk! AmerykaniÅ›ci? Amerykanista to jest BrzeziÅ„ski, albo Pastusiak. Panowie nawet nie potraficie poprawnie napisać i zredagować strony maszynopisu a caÅ‚y „news” to popÅ‚uczyny i ploteczki z Times’a albo Newyorkera przetÅ‚umaczone w Google-translatorze. RosnÄ… nam godni nastÄ™pcy Tomasza Lisa… jak zÅ‚oto…

  109. Hello there I am so delighted I found your blog page, I really found you by accident, while I was searching on Yahoo for something else, Nonetheless I am here now and would just like to say many thanks for a fantastic post and a all round interesting blog (I also love the theme/design), I don’t have time to go through it all at the minute but I have bookmarked it and also added in your RSS feeds, so when I have time I will be back to read much more, Please do keep up the awesome job.

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  111. Hi Anton,Regarding what Jocelyn is doing in Peru: I'm not sure what "clean" stoves she is considering but here in South Africa a product called a Stovetec stove (www.stovetec.com I think) is starting to do really well in the rural communities. It is affordable, durable, safe and incredibly fuel efficient. Cheers

  112. I just had to thank you vastly a large amount time was extra. I’m not confident what I would have ended to materialize in the absence of the genuine solutions recognizable by you regarding my field. It utterly was a valid frightening circumstance in my view, except being intelligent to view a pristine specialised craze you resolved it ended me to leap over gratification. I will be real happier for this assistance as well as honestly wish you distinguish what a intense job you are always putting in instructing people today with the abet of a web site. I be aware of that you have never show your face crossways one of us.

  113. "Hillary Clinton's aspirations for higher office are toast"As I noted in an earlier comment thread, this statement would only be true if she were a Republican. As a democrat, and as a Clinton, she is politically untouchable. She could have shot every American at that consulate herself and (a) drones would still swoon over her and (b) the media would never once allow discussion of the subject.

  114. You wouldn't laugh if you were taking science in school – you learn to know end how science can't just be made up – good science:asks questionsgathers factstests the facts forms a hypothesisA theory is roughly defined as a hypothesis that has not been disproven or has glaring questions. THEN, You're hit with chapter after chapter of how evidence everywhere shows global warming is a fact. Which completely flies in the face of all you were taught about good science.

  115. Voyons, Geoffrey Firmin boit du mescal pour en finir et de la strychnine pour en guérir, mais pas de rhum!Ignoramus!Rédigé par: MelmothDites donc Melmoth, j’ai bien le droit de « refaire » ma fiction perso non?! Encore heureux que l’on puisse lire dans l’intimitéEt de suivre le régime alimentaire qui nous correspond!!Alors pas de commentaire se terminant par une interjonction OK!

  116. Thanks for the comments and input, Tony and Bob!Everyone has to find what works best for them and their gifting/wiring. For most of us, I’d guess, moving to fewer (or no) notes, is a stretch. In fact, as I alluded to above, I’m still struggling to get to no notes.But it’s a step I’m glad I took. For me, the worst feeling in preaching is feeling tied to a script (especially when what I’ve prepared isn’t clicking/flowing).

  117. Aside from His Dark Materials and The Story of the Devil, I cannot recall a book I’ve read recently that was openly hostile to Christianity, though I’ve probably read many things more subtly so.I lost my ability to take His Dark Materials seriously somewhere around the middle of book 2, and the climax of the series, I’m slightly embarrassed to say, had me doubled over with laughter. That those novels are treated as Deep is one of life’s great mysteries.The Story of the Devil I didn’t finish, but it did require some detox.

  118. Nasser says:August 30, 2012 at 4:57 pmI am reminded of the deeply felt and anguished pleas of the late Mr. Khomeini to Muslim leaders – “Come back to dear Islam.”Really, a country of Human Development Index of 98 causing trouble for a neighbour with Human Development Index of 118 – for what?So that US (HDI of 4) or Saudi Arabia (HDI of 52) could admire her?Shame , shame, shame.

  119. My bathroom floor attracts dirt – light tiles imperfectly laid; dust and dirt tracked in from outdoors [we live in bush isolation] adds to the problem; and a semi-feral kitten that too often does its business in the bathroom – must recognise the smell – rather than litter try……. all combine to provide challenges for any mop, and a real test for this steam mop !!!!!! Hope I manage to win it !!!!!!

  120. Wow I had no idea she started as a scriptwriter. That lady is verra talented. My fav hero…hmm.. would be Roarke because he's just the whole damn package. But I like the heroes of books I read at the time too – like now, I'm reading Storm Born and Tiago is on my mind like woah. queen_tui at hotmail dot com

  121. Noch einmal spricht die ungewöhnliche Sprache:Wieso verlassen mich alle, die ich mag und die mich aufmuntern? Vorallem immer nach so kurzer Zeit? Erst Ryu und jetzt du. Letztendlich ist es deine Entscheidung aber ich hoffe, dass du wieder kommst. Auch wenn du nicht wieder kommst, wünsche ich dir alles Gute.

  122. Finnel While I never thought the injuries would this bad, I have been saying there was no backups at all for this year. To the “baseball gods” it was an invitation to disaster. The club went years with one maybe two injuries. What in the hell did they think was going to happen.

  123. Made this today with some of the 55lbs of apples we picked yesterday It is delish! Made a few substitutions – used spelt flour instead of whole wheat, coconut sugar instead of cane sugar, coconut oil instead of butter, almond milk instead of milk and ground flax with water instead of an egg. I also added some cinnamon to the recipe and sprinkled some on top before baking it. Love it!!!Thanks KC!

  124. Glad you're feeling better, musicfan; thanks for another wonderful CANN and for all the vids! (Also pleased that Up On Sun interview in Phoenix New Times embedded TWO vids, one on each page… live HYAMLC from Today show plus lovely medley to OHN. Great coverage!!) I'm so eager to hear him tonight at Anaheim, it's been way too long since he's been to SoCal, and his JYN is always so beautiful. MCWL is the only album of Christmas songs that I love (that I own!, all others are choirs).

  125. Ad esempio… quando Paolo Attivissimo si concederà il lusso di prenderci tutti per il culo inventando la più colossale delle panzane mai narrate state pur certi che ci cascheremo in molti.

  126. Mäkin olen sitä mieltä, että tuo uusi tukka on aivan totaalisen ihana! Olet muutenkin tosi kaunis tuossa kuvassa – näytät tosi hoikalta. Mun mielestäni erityisesti se, että meikkaat nykyään kulmakarvat vahvemmin antaa mielettömästi ryhtiä kasvoille. Olet musta ihan erinäköinen kuin nykyään. Olit ennenkin supernätti, mutta nykyään tykkään ulkonäöstäsi vielä enemmän.

  127. Has anyone noticed that the last two VC winners have been gingers?Must be something about the red heads that makes them exceedingly brave.At this rate we may have to stop making fun of them and start to be seriously scared of the buggers.But seriously, these guys are bloody awesome.Could I pop my head into the line of enemy fire in order to help save a mate ?I would hope I could, but these guys just go and do it.I am very grateful we have men (and women) who are happy to go and do this for our country.

  128. I just love the way this turned out! It's really beautiful, and something I think I can do too – which makes it even more inspiring! Thanks for sharing, and as always inspiring! ArtieP.S., stop by and let me know what you think of my little video I did of my house. I hope you like it – would love to know what you think!

  129. Hire An AnimatorJuly 9, 2012 Hey I’m trying to promote my site using article demon. If I make the article look like this:You [need | want] [hubcaps | wheel covers] for your [car | truck].Will most software make the article look normal? If so, I haven’t been doing it like this, I’ve only been choosing one synonym this whole time! You’ve helped a lot

  130. Kijózanító :-)Amúgy jazz-koncerten voltam másnap este (Mike Stern), elÅ‘tte lecsúszott még egy-két ital.Az egy ilyen hét volt, a mostani pedig inkább a sportról szól. Az átlag* így unalmas, és szürke. Inkább folytatni kellett volna az ivást…Jobban vagy már, használ a kúrótúra?* kb. ennyit ér a statisztika: egy hétig fosol, aztán egy hétig székrekedésed van, az átlag: normális emésztés

  131. The book doesn't actually give details of the sex, it goes up to before and talks about afterwards and feathers in the bed, bruises on the body etc. I could see them not getting explicit with that, but the childbirth part. I mean the kid eats her way out of Bella's stomach, there is no need for a vag shot! And it is a vampire movie so what is wrong with a little blood as the weirdly toothed baby comes into the world!

  132. “ma se non sappiamo neanche se esistono i neutrini?”…i fisici Clyde Cowan e Fred Reines che nel 1956 li hanno scoperti e ne hanno provato l’esistenza in laboratorio non sono d’accordo e se fossero ancora vivi probabilemnte sarebbero anche mediamente risentiti.Interessante però la questione dell’ingegnere astrologo…..è un pò come dire un prete ateo!

  133. p.s. This blog is currently going through the constellation of literature. So if I’ve been a little light on posts this week, it’s because all the free moments I’d usually be spending on blogging have instead been redirected to reading and analyzing . It’s an exceptional work — one that lends itself to extensive and detailed analysis — and the sucker is 800 pages long…

  134. à°°ంజని,à°®ీà°°ు à°šెà°ª్à°ªింà°¦ి à°•à°°ెà°•్à°Ÿే à°•ాà°µొà°š్à°šు! I agree!à°°ామనరసింà°¹ à°—ాà°°ు,నచ్à°šà°²ేà°¦ు సరే, à°Žà°¨్à°¨ో à°¸ాà°°్à°²ు à°šà°¦ిà°µానన్à°¨ాà°°ు à°•à°¦ా, à°Žంà°¦ుà°•ు నచ్à°šà°²ేà°¦ో à°’à°•్à°• à°µాà°•్యమైà°¨ా à°°ాà°¸ి à°‰ంà°Ÿే à°¬ాà°µుంà°¡ేà°¦ి à°•à°¦ా! à°•à°¥ à°’à°•్à°•à°Ÿే నచ్à°šà°²ేà°¦ా, à°²ేà°• à°ªాà°¤్à°°à°² à°¸్వభాà°µాà°²ా?à°† great discussion ఏదో à°®ీà°°ే à°®ొదలు à°ªెà°¡ిà°¤ే à°¬ాà°µుంà°¡ు à°•à°¦ంà°¡ీ!

  135. I merely wanted to inform you how much my partner and i appreciate every thing you’ve shared to help improve lives of folks in this theme. Through your articles, I’ve gone from just a novice to a skilled in the area. It truly is truly a gratitude to your initiatives. Thanks

  136. Pourquoi les parlementaires ont-ils une mission d’inspection des prisons ? Pourquoi le chef des armées est-il un civil ? À quoi sert la Cour des Comptes ?On s’est rendu compte au cours de l’histoire que les corps constitués partent en vrille quand ils ne sont pas régulièrement inspectés par les citoyens ou leurs représentants. Il n’y a aucune raison que l’école y échappe.

  137. These look incredible! As a vegetarian, it is so hard during the summer to come up with eye pleasing AND palate pleasing recipes that can be grilled during the warm months. I plan to make this the next time I entertain! How can you go wrong with mushrooms? A perfect gluten free meal that can be served with quinoa! Thank you for posting this!

  138. Dlaczego miasto miało by dawać im więcej? Sami niech się promują sprzedażą płyt.Tych, którzy naprawdę promują Miasto, UM nie chce widzieć.Od czego jest Dział Promocji Miasta?Tam najlepiej powinni wiedzieć kto z Siedlec promuje miasto na zewnątrz.Tylko czy wiedzą?

  139. ad TP :dovolte abych vás poučil, že tvrzení "Materiální znak je naplněn zásahem do základního práva poškozeného na svobodu pohybu. " je totálnní nesmysl. To je totiž předmětem samotné skutkové podstaty, kt. je konkretizací zmiňovaného práva, a jde o formální znak.Materiálním znakem je nebezpečnost činu PRO SPOLEČNOST a ta v případě neplatících absolutně absentuje, jak už několikrát judikoval NS.Milan Vavroch

  140. Ya gotta love the li’l devil. No shame at all, even when he’s caught flat-footed!By the way, Air America’s Rachel Maddow has taken to referring to our beloved attorney general as “the torture guy,” and this morning in her weekly chinwag with David Bender in Washington he mentioned that our Al doesn’t like being referred to that way.Which is good enough for me. From now on it’s officially Al “TheTorture Guy” Gonzales. Of course he’s so much more, but you have to start somewhere.

  141. I think Romney was honestly trying to say something nice… that he met the needs of a staffer. But if you’re freakin’ running for POTUS, you should damn well know better than to take a question about fair pay, dodge it, and finish up with a story about a mom cooking dinner. At least say – “I support equal pay for women but I don’t see it as a role of the federal government” but he dodged it. I wouldn’t be so PO’d if this wasn’t his MO… to dodge or change his stance on issues important to me.Twitter:

  142. Mar Los que habéis viajado mucho, podéis poner ejemplos, yo que me he movido muy poco tengo que acudir a los viajes que con cierta lentitud me ofrece internet.Saludos.

  143. I remember Max’s Wiccan phase! Oh the runes and spell books. Yeah…I had a Wiccan phase myself. Oh the Tarot cards and celebrating Yule. I similarly dropped this fun fact on my boyfriend, who finds it hilarious. Wicca4life Max.

  144. previous to this post, i had a hunch that you were the kind of person with whom i’d mesh well. i had a minor, “i look up to you!” friend crush. this post confirms and exponentializes that. i adore you for this bit of brave transparency, riddled with both generosity and foible, and evidence of the human will–or the good human will, at least–to keep bloody well going and to make it better. i am so very fond of you, and i hope one day we can have coffee, a stiff drink, cook dinner, or whatever together. with michael and the little man, too, of course.

  145. (all my opinions, of course…)At some point we will not be able to forensically distinguish between fake video and real video. It will be as easy as writing trace (‘hello world’); to render a ‘video’ of John Doe committing crime xyz.What we can generate digitally with our imaginations and tools will far surpass all that we can capture in real-time viewers.;0)Cheers.

  146. that a trial would be on TruTv. I do not consider an appeal a criminal trial. To me it stands alone as an appeal. Probably just me. One of the reasons that people want to be rich, is so that they can pay others to assume their humane responsibilities. I think a lot of the time these crime do not even see the light of day. People are paid off and the crime goes away. Mr. Good-man made so many blunders in his drink induced haze that a cover up was completely impossible. Diva, I am so glad to see you back here more! JMHO.

  147. Looks like some “buttering up” (though subtly covert) and no room for “rant”?Strange you spoke to Dr Brain only. I’d expect the clash with a same-but-not civilisation to be observed by Dr ANS, Dr Compari Sons, Dr Gete Motional, not to mention Dr Housenost Algic, Dr Imiss Bath, Dr Bi Ases and Dr Oldha Bits.PS You’re wrong with the SciFi “girlfriend always knows” thing.PS O/T Bloomsday today, and I hate kidneys.

  148. Justine:E depois, um toque no forno, limão… essas lapas, sim!Do Zambujal:E assim se pouparia uma data de trabalhos e discursos…Pata Negra:Demissão? Nunca!Lúcia:Já “marchavam”… essas, as boas.O Espírito do Tai Chi:E pronto… lá irei…Obrigado!Vermelho:As palavras e algumas vontades, podem ser como facas… mas o número ainda não é suficiente.Alvarez:Pena… que seja a estorvar o caminho.Abreijos colectivos!

  149. You are such a loveable woman with nerves of steel – no wonder I adore you so much!! Bloody nerve of that woman – you certainly deserved to snaffle that gorgeous frock. Your jumpsuit was 99p????? Bloody hell and it's wonderful to see the spectacular leather coat from Lucy Nation – more please! Aren't the Squirrels darlings? What a glorious frock to send you and Gilbert will look very impressive with a pennant from near Antarctica:) xoxo

  150. Great shots of water, reflections and fall color! I am still amazed at ow still the water in the fords can be. Thasnk for your comment on my sky watch. All 4 were shot with low sun angle, looking to the west. The one with the moon was early morning, the others late afternoon.

  151. fausta scrive:Al minuto 30° mi stavo scompisciando dal ridere, mentre notavo con piacere che praticamente avevo capito tutto senza ricorrere al “vocabolario”………Mi fido della tua sovannaturale esperienza e non ci provo neppure, anche perchè per regredire dalla mia venerabile età ci vorrebbero due o tre giorni e potrei creare seri problemi a quelli di casa (marito e gatto)….Ma sei tornato proprio completamente nel tuo presente?

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  153. Apropósito de vivir en Chile y diferentes lineas de Tiempo…Resulta que aún se sienten algunas réplicas sísmicas del pasado terremoto(27 de febrero) y de no poca intensidad.Me pasa que por descuido , desconexión con el entorno o mero acostumbramiento y embotamiento sensorial NO SIENTO muchos de estos sismos ….entonces me disculpo con familiares o compañeros de trabajo al no compartir estas experiencias cotidianas , diciendo: perdonen , ya saben que habito un mundo paralelo…

  154. Exactly what does this suggest?I have heard it shows a powerful connection but let’s say Your Sun Signs aren’t compatible?I’ve got a Scorpio Sun,Libra Moon,Mercury in Scorpio,Venus in Scorpio,Mars in Sagittarius,and Ascendant in Taurus/Gemini(born at 5 p.m. exactly).The man that I am dating includes a Gemini sun,Scorpio moon,mercury in Gemini,Venus in Aries,mars in Leo, and Ascendant in Leo.So how exactly does our relationship look overall?

  155. Appunto, la differenza è che Lemaitre non ha mai dato ad intendere che i suoi studi non avrebbero fatto altro che corroborare ciò che la sua fede religiosa gli imponeva…Ti immagini Giulio Fanti o l’eminent(issimo) Roberto De Mattei dichiarare: “Siamo spiacenti, ma abbiamo scoperto che la Sindone è un falso…”? Neanche nel buio di una stanza chiusa a sette mandate direbbero mai una cosa del genere…

  156. SIMONEJuly 9, 2012 Overall: I have been a regular user of white cloud products since 12/2011. I tried many other brands which were just ok. I was curious about white cloud when I saw their kiosk at a mall I frequent. After much discussion with the represenitive there, I decided to just go for it. To my amazement this brand of ecig was exactly what I was searching for. The quality, taste, and ease of just stopping by to buy more products was well worth it. Oh, and the extra warranty is worth it also. I had a defect in one battery and they replaced it with no questions, no hassles!

  157. Republicans never apologize, just blame someone else (usually the “little” people). Ignoring things is the right thing to do, the public seems very forgetful or moves on to the next big “story”. That is why Scalia gets away with “get over it”, the sheep of this country have gotten over it.The corporate media will not report bad things about the landed aristocracy nor will they give air time to Dem’s unless it serves the media to do so.What a world!When will we get a truly “progressive” party in the United States?

  158. “palavras lindas as suas Bruno pelo reconhecimento não apenas a sua premiação mais em dar o verdadeiro valor a nós seus fãs por tudo que fazemos com muitícimo amor por vcs e pelas músicas também. papai do céu está vedo tudo que acontece na vida de vcs e ira os abênsuar a quem merece muito mais. muitos beijos e estamos na torcida sempre.”

  159. همونطور که خودتون هم گفتید درست هست و باید فایل های ورژن انگلیسی که توی عکس ها هم هست رو داشته باشید.از دانلود سنتر کل بازی رو میتونید ب1000گیرید.

  160. il definately try avocado lemon juice and salt on a slice of bread it sounds really good. i love dark chocolate i eat a cube of dark chocolate with a hazelnut or 2 it tastes just like a fruit and nut bar of chocolate but without the dairy and extra fat

  161. Joy, I think we need to be very careful of our emotional attachment to our work – that’s a big part of the problem with business models that don’t work. I don’t mean that you should align your work to your greatest values and give it great meaning BUT it’s not a substitute for other forms of value and meaning in your life. And that is where we create unhealthy (and commercially unsustainable) emotional attachments to our businesses.

  162. "It's easier to find a place to shoot…"Where DO you shoot, Tam? I've read your blog for years but never much paid attention to the Indy-specific parts since I'd never been here. Now I've lived here for 6 months and pretty much all I've come up with is, "Eagle Creek is expensive."Although the first Sat this month I did wander up to Atlanta, IN and shoot the IDPA match. Seemed like fine people.-P

  163. Oboje, a wÅ‚aÅ›ciwie obie “caÅ‚oÅ›ci” wiemy, że sÄ… pytania, których nie wolno postawić i odpowiedzi, których nie wolno udzielić.I to jest pozytywna strona życia. Jedna z ważniejszych.”Szef” wie. To musi wystarczyć.Ale żywym, którzy nas nie oszczÄ™dzajÄ…, stawiam pytania i czekam na odpowiedź. Nie dlatego,że interesuje mnie metodologia zÅ‚a.Dlatego, by zapobiec zÅ‚u. rzadko siÄ™ udaje, ale nie byÅ‚am bezczynna.Serdecznie Ci dziÄ™kujÄ™!S.

  164. Caro AdemarVocê deve estar assistindo filmes de ficção científica demais. A eficácia deste escudo é contestada por muitos especialistas, aliás hoje saiu na folha reportagem de um míssil russo que consegue penetrar no tal escudo(não fique triste). O problema não é ter ou não o escudo, e sim a petulância de colocar mísseis no território de influência do inimigo. gostaria de saber o que você acharia se a Rússia colocasse mísseis debaixo do nariz dos Eua( no México ou Cuba por exemplo)?[]

  165. Hi Enekk!That’s not a bad idea. I’ll look into it. What I will say, however is that I do archive the recipe and the tutorial together, so when you go looking for a specific recipe (or browse for one) everything’s together. But you’re offing a good suggestion, since people arriving at a tutorial via search don’t always understand how the blog is set up. Thanks much!-Joe

  166. yes. He’s 21 years old. I asked if he pays taxes on his winnings like employees do on wages and she said, “well, waitresses don’t claim all their tips.” Can anyone give me an overview of a career as a professional poker player since I’m clueless? How do they find work? How much do they make? What are the possitives & negatives of such a career? Is it something someone can do their whole life?

  167. lol you know me, I am exhausting, I can bore people rigid with my enthusiasm! Honestly though I feel really passionate about this project, probably because it took so long for me to agree to buy it and also because it’s so different to what most of my friends think of as typically Turkey but is so familiar to me and my Turkey. I really believe in it as a viable tourism business and I’m really tough to convince Thanks for liking the idea K xxx

  168. I have actually tried doing the real mens boxer brief thing and unfortunately there is too much package room to really be able to wear them as a girl… unless you want to look like you have a little somin' somin' down there. I have ONE pair of mens long underwear that actually worked because I didn't want to pay for the girl knock off version! maybe with the right cut. but you made the right choice! from my experience anyway.www.meaganmcconnell.blogspot.com

  169. John, thanks for taking the time to your? vids. I’ve researched what seemed to be nothing but scary stories in mist forums. I’m happy you are doing awesome. My question: other than the bout of 2 days sciatica (in u r first 2 weeks) that was treated w/Prednesone…any more pains that were significant up until this current date (1/20/12)?Today,I’ve just scheduled my L5S1 MIS TLIF in 3 weeks. I’m still scared, but your videos will be replayed on my itouch over & over to flood my mind (preop) with

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  172. Mä jo ehdin pettyä, kun luin alun kirjoituksen ja odotin kuvia valmiista palloista. Mitä! Niitä ei tullut! Kunnes luin loppuun. Hih, ihana hövelini.Toi ei vissiin sovi mun laihdutuskuuriini? Arvaa vaan rupesko tekemään mieli suklaata? Noh, onhan mulla tässä edessä tää salaatti…Mut hei, ihana, että nähään just lauantaina, koska mulla on lauantaisin se: saa syödä ja juoda mitä haluaa-päivä.

  173. amikor zöld még, akkor jó ilyesmire felhasználni. idővel besárgul, ekkor édes lesz, ezt desszertnek használják. pl. hosszában ék alakú bevágást tesznek rajta és erősebb ízű fehérsajttal töltik meg, majd sütőben megsütik. annak is érdekes íze van

  174. Riccardo,non è esagerato dire che hanno fatto la storia. La corsa allo spazio, in particolare alla Luna, fu una questione politica. Fu un tassello fondamentale nella lotta fra le due superpotenze dell'epoca. Lo shock culturale dello Sputnik, che sorvolava impunemente il territorio nemico, fu enorme. Forse adesso questi concetti sembrano passati e frivoli, ma per chi c'era fu chiara l'importanza degli eventi.

  175. Mais où sont les rires enregistrés, pour que tous les lecteurs interessés par le sujet de l’article puissent se pâmer devant la finesse et l’humour (eh oui : un autre que le grand spécialiste du n’importe quoi verbeux lui concède de l’humour : c’est un SCOOP) du morticole étoilé?

  176. пишет:100 баксов в день это конечно круто, я столько за неделю зарабатываю, а многие и за месяц работы столько не имеют:)VA:F [1.9.21_1169]Рейтинг: 0 (оценок: 0)

  177. kikkina jb scrive::Q____________________________________________ ho fatto una pozzanghera a terra madò e quanto è bono!!!!! senza parole *quasi per morire* madò e quanto è bello!!! aiuto…..emozioni troppo forti…!!! aiuto prima il video di mistletoe e poi qst e poi e poi…cos altro vuoi fare vuoi farmi morire x caso? aiuto!!! vieni in italia…!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fallo in italia lo spogliarello saremo molte di + al concerto se lo fai muahahah

  178. Je viens d’achever la lecture de votre dernier roman  » Des saisons au bord de la mer » et j’ai retrouvé avec une grande émotion des souvenirs que j’ai conservés de cette même époque , et plus spécialement des longs séjours à Belle Ile . L’arrivée du bâteau et la présence sur le port d’Arletty et de sa copine Germaine toujours habillée en homme . Leurs dialogues étaient vraiment extraordinaires

  179. Mr PettisThanks for the response.Do you see any parallels in 1930′s US vs 2010′s China. Right before each calamity they are the largest creditor nations, were they not?Also Does the income gap have to close between the rich and the poor have to close in the US? IF if does then does that mean that in the US too asset prices must fall or incomes will have to skyrocket?

  180. Las dos fotos la ví ayer y las subí a facebook para que la gente viera cómo en este país hacen que se doblen las Instituciones en el nombre del príncipe romano.La consejería de Educación(Pepera) y el Injuve(de administración zapaterista)Ya no reparan en nada,acumulándose la vergüenza de los políticos en los espacios públicos.Estos se pasan la Constitución por el forro y tan panchos.Un saludo

  181. Mom - Hola Jalapeño -  Ladles and Jellyspoons – Love & Lemons - Matt Bites -  Shutterbean - Sprouted Kitchen –Southern Girls Kitchen - Stir and Scribble -  Tartlet Sweets - The

  182. le problème de l’ huile de palme c’ est qu’elle est solide et non soluble il s’ agit de graisse qui provoque un encrassement des artères et augmente le taux de cholestérol, par contre elle est beaucoup moins chère, elle sert ausii bien comme lubrifiant de moteur que comme huile de table. A tout ceux qui vienne sur le site , lisez l’ article qui prècede et vous comprendrez !

  183. I have a lot of favourite movies! I now watch some of them on Netflix. One of my favourite movies is… earth. It’s sort of like a documentary/movie. It was about the sea, and I would give it 3 stars. Another one would be Alpha and Omega and that would also be 3 stars. My FAVOURITE movie of all is…….I don’t know! I have lots of favourites, like Madagascar, Open Season, and lots more!Bye!

  184. Pastitsio or Pastitso, we always call it the Greek Lasagne. It's yummy isn't it? Tessa Kiros has really good Cypriot-Greek recipes in her book 'Falling Cloudberries'. The last time I made , it spent 3 hours in the oven, covered in foil and nope, the after didn't look like the before. Ellie, I totally agree with you that cookbook authors should triple-test their recipes properly before publishing it! It's so frustrating, all the good ingredients wasted! Nice shots as always!

  185. Ms Onion, when the Federal Reserve first started changing the money “around” to make it more counterfeit, my husband and I used to joke that Hamilton looked like a California surf dude, so we were calling the ten dollar bill “Surfer Boy Hamilton”.Secretly? I had a mad crush on him because of the portrait! haha![ Follow me on Twitter: ]

  186. I did an egg hunt for an 8 yr old kid I was tutoring when I was in HS. In each plastic egg was some candy and 2-3 math problems. When he found the egg, he could keep the candy IF the math problems were done correctly. He’d find an egg, excitedly do the math, hand me the slip, stand there impatiently as I checked his answers, then when I said, “This one’s correct!” he’d say “YES!” and pocket the candy, then go off to hunt for the next egg. I’m a Nazi.

  187. Génial !Il y a aussi l’article de Clive Thompson qui avait fait sensation en 2003 dans le TimesDans un monde de faux-fuyants où manipuler les faits est aussi important que de les exposer clairement, peut-être que si vous n’avez rien à dire, vous avez seulement besoin du bon outil pour vous aider à ne rien dire.

  188. Sziasztok. Én csak most nemrég inditottam blogot, eddig csak olvastalak titeket és főztem finom ételeitekből. Szívvel lélekkel egyetértek Maris megjegyzésének második és harmadik bekezdésével. Ügyes kezdeményezés. Jó sütést-főzést mindenkinek az Új Évben is.

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  190. I really like the idea of this “How to photograph” series, and it is great to hear that you will be making posts more often. I love all the shots here, but woodcreepers are my favourites. For educational purposes, it would be great if you could add a few more details to main pictures embedded into the article. For example, camera and lens techs and when they were feeder set-ups.

  191. An outstanding share! I’ve just forwarded this onto a coworker who has been doing a little homework on this. And he actually ordered me breakfast due to the fact that I discovered it for him… lol. So allow me to reword this…. Thanks for the meal!! But yeah, thanx for spending some time to talk about this matter here on your site.

  192. employment tribunal fees The next time I read a blog, I hope that it doesnt disappoint me as a lot as this one. I mean, I do know it was my choice to learn, however I really thought youd have something fascinating to say. All I hear is a bunch of whi…The next time I read a blog, I hope that it doesnt disappoint me as a lot as this one. I mean, I do know it was my choice to learn, however I really thought youd have something fascinating to say. All I hear is a bunch of whining about one thing that y…

  193. Eric,I understand your desire to see Milton succeed, and maybe win over fans (and perform well). As a Cubs fan, I can tell you that this will not happen, things will continue to go downhill, and will end badly. (see previous Bradley teams and incidents). I shared your view when Bradley came to Chicago, but the man has some serious issues. Good luck.

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  196. Hah, that’s so cool you met so many famous people. I definitely want to attend a CPFC some day. I don’t read moneyville as often as I would like to. More of a globeandmail type of person I guess. I like their globe investor section. Ellen Roseman is a great writer. She has her own blog as well which is worth checking out if you’re a fan :0) It’s just her full name, dot com.

  197. yeah, I agree with anon, the script is really bad. No real stakes and while at times it reads poppy and fun as a whole it just doesn’t work, in a really big way. I couldn’t get through it. Had to stop on page 60. Plus the female reporter bit and the bad guys wanting to find this “treasure” to use it as a WMD was just idiotic. Hopefully DOR is getting a big holding fee out of this.

  198. I think that you are just jealous that Jews are the only White people who still have the intestinal fortitude to defend themselves against foreigners.Anon, maybe in Israel, but would you be willing to admit that Jews in the US, and the West, would be on the side of the foreigners if such a confrontation were to happen here?

  199. You never want to mow wet grass the blades will pull instead of cutting. This will cause a fungus in certain grass species which will be very costly not to mention running the risk of the whole lawn dying as the fungus spreads. Look up perinthium blight in zoysia this is caused by the humidity in the south. Other than symantics there is no reason an electric lawn mower couldn’t cut wet grass.

  200. secondo me, c’è da lavorare, ma c’è anche qualcosa di già fatto.Una buona forma estraniante, che va aldilà del puro sfogo personale e una capacità di accostamenti originale. Una poesia che mi piace perchè mi assomiglia, che riesce a dire senza essere troppo “cupa” e perfino con una sottile ironia. Aspetto Luca, con nuove proposte e gli auguro un proficuo lavoro.vincenzo

  201. Always very cool, these things you show us. While we are all going to order those gel pens immediately, of course we are all dying over those little Deco Rush tapes. I hope you'll let us know if they land on an English-language online shop–your post probably did them a huge favor!Elizabeth E.opquilt.com

  202. Ut ornare ipsum vel nisi cursus in dictum risus feugiat. Cras eleifend tincidunt nisi sed rhoncus. Pellentesque lorem eros, eleifend rhoncus feugiat id, tincidunt et sapien. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In iaculis orci sed tortor pellentesque dapibus. Pellentesque ipsum tellus, pellentesque vitae sollicitudin ut, dignissim a dui. Curabitur suscipit diam et mauris ultricies dapibus.

  203. Kaum. Er ist ein gut und glatt konstruiertes Lobby-Stück. Manches ist natürlich bewusst verzerrt – den zahn- und konsequenzlosen Presserat zum “wirkungsmächtigen Organ” hochzuschreiben, um der traditionellen Presse im Gegensatz zur Blogosphäre eine ausreichende moralische Regulierung und Selbstregulierung zu attestieren, ist natürlich clever.

  204. Cardoso [2] alerta para a emergência deste movimento “mulato”, que realiza uma polêmica diferenciação interna na comunidade negra, alvo de críticas e reações violentas por parte dos militantes da “raça”.Sensacional! O presidente dividia a humanidade entre brancos e o resto…

  205. roro80 Oh, see, again with the vague snarks. I had obviously meant that I was going to call you on 100% of your off-the-mark garbage, and you tried to make a dumb joke out of saying that I should just ignore 100% and let you get away with ridiculing people without you actually thinking through your own positions. See, you’re joke fell flat yet again. You should really work on that, considering your one-liners are kind of your “thing”.

  206. I disagree with moonbat: it’s not about age, which I say as a relatively Young Person, but it’s all about class. It’s a stupid, ineffective plan to make Bush look like he’s Doing Something, so that when the plan doesn’t go anywhere, Bush, Rove, et al, can shrug their shoulders and go, “Well, we tried. Clearly, the Democrats don’t want you to have health insurance.” And all of Bush’s rhetoric comes from a place of extreme privilege.

  207. 1. “ Virtuality” , the quality of having the attributes of something without sharing its (real or imagined) physical form. 2. Photon gravity: If a black hole gravity field is so strong that light cannot escape itself, light must have mass? 3. If photons are the cause of a BH gravity, and yet have no mass. Then the affect they have on orbiting bodies is based upon it not having any real mass. But one which is created only by their dynamics. The subsequent density is not real its affect is?

  208. Love a pixie cut! My best friend cut mine into a pixie the day after we saw our first Ani Difranco concert. That was… 15 years ago now, I think. I've grown it out a few times, and hated it every time. I have very fine hair, and a big round face, and that's a bad combo for long hair. Short frames my face much better. There's rarely if ever good fashion advice for non-tiny people. It's all focused on how to look smaller. Ef that! Love your hair. <3

  209. For my two penneth – I don’t see why Roentgen should be seen as being outside the realms of cryptic clues because it relies on a smattering of general knowledge, but it’s OK to have Agamemnon. I’m quite happy with both, and enjoy the fact that some general knowledge may be required in order to complete the puzzle. Otherwise, where do we draw the line between what’s acceptable and what’s not?Very enjoyable puzzle today, not too many hold-ups for me, 15d and 25a last in.

  210. Leveto : J’aime assez le curé à l’état sauvage. (Le druide.)Itou. Parmi toutes, c’est la définition qui m’a fait rire à gorge déployée.Mais dites-moi, Leveto, parler de créatures à l’état sauvage vous fait toujours penser à les chasser ? Tss, tss…


  212. Make no mistake, I want YouTube to do well. I want it to be the best it can be. YouTube gives people a platform, and in return, we bring views to YouTube, which also brings revenue to the site. But after having been on YouTube for over a year's time, I have seen little to convince me that anyone at YouTube pays attention to the common user on this site. If YouTube would listen to EVERYONE, it could remedy the problems within the site much more quickly and efficiently. (continued)– Matt

  213. My bathroom floor attracts dirt – light tiles imperfectly laid; dust and dirt tracked in from outdoors [we live in bush isolation] adds to the problem; and a semi-feral kitten that too often does its business in the bathroom – must recognise the smell – rather than litter try……. all combine to provide challenges for any mop, and a real test for this steam mop !!!!!! Hope I manage to win it !!!!!!

  214. HAHAHA, ça c'est très drôle!Mais que 6 personnes portent la même couleur sur un peu plus d'une 30aine de gens, ça c'est weird!

  215. Even now Germany is trying to be a dominant nation, with the scramble of power for the Euro and EU.Although, in saying this, I do admire the works of Wagner and Karl Marx especially.Germany is nation that always strives for the best but unfortunately terrible things happen as a result.The GDR was good, we can learn a lot from the brilliance of the former workers paradise if Germany is to truly to become a successful nation

  216. I have been on a hunt for a 46T single for around five years. I have a used 46T with extra holes to use as a double….not what I want, but it is all I have been able to get (It was used).Please consider stocking 42T and 46T singles. They are NOT available anywhere else and they are extremely useful. You would have many customers having a lot more flexibility with their bikes. It reinvigorates a lot of good bikes, and opens a lot of doors for new builds. Please stock TA singles.

  217. yo pienso que los otros que estan corriendo el torneo se las tienen que arreglar cuando en el ama justin barcia se agrego a mitad de año al torneo nos les perdono nada me parece que no lo hizo de mala leche marcos pero pienso que el tiene que correr como siemrpe y los demas punteros se las tienen que arreglar

  218. This game is very easy and fun. I’m a 29 year old woman and finished the game in a day or two so it isn’t hard at all. It is really fun and relaxing. I’ll defiently keep it, put it away and play it again in a year or so. I love decorating the house and really liked all the different combos of furniture, colors and fixtures to use in the house.

  219. Well I have a long list. Hebrew, Sanskrit, Classic Greek, Persian, Tibetan, Russian, Japanese, primarily for spiritual/cultural reasons. Spanish primarily for communication. But here is an apparently novel one. Ghetto. If I spent some time in a tanning salon I guess I could pass. My motivations are not only all of the above but also commercial. When you consider the ease of learning it, this is a no brainer first choice for a second language.I mean, imagine the possibilities of having a very sophisticated third world nation right in your backyard.

  220. Popełniasz błąd.Komorowski nie jest p.o., ponieważ p.o. byłby na podstawie Art. 131 ust. 1 Konstytucji (w sytuacji, kiedy prezydent nie może wykonywać obowiązków)Komorowski wykonuje obowiązki prezydenta na podstawie Art. 131 ust. 2.Ustawodawca z jakiegoś powodu użył dwóch terminów: przejmuje obowiązki versus wykonuje obowiązki.W drugim przypadku czyni to samodzielnie.

  221. OBAMA, RULER OF NATIONS / VOTE OBAMA 2012The 44th President of the United States of America “BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA” The greatest black man… that ever lived!NEXT LEVEL ENTERTAINMENT CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS WORLDWIDEVOTE OBAMA 2012REV. 16:16There will be “nowhere to hide” once Israel is attacked! God’s… promise to man! The battle… begins. OBAMA, was born for this very day! The “Son Of Man” is coming home to where it begun, JERUSALEM.OBAMA, RULER OF NATIONSVOTE OBAMA 2012

  222. i gave up my hobby lobby virginity on saturday. it was awesome! my josie wants a bean bag for Christmas. where did you find it? my babies always looked hung-over after nursing. cute. 5:00 p.m. was always the worst. let me encourage you… some day at 5:00 they'll all be making you dinner, and cleaning it up, and you'll sit and marvel at how far they've come. 🙂

  223. Zerbinette, je vous souhaite bien le bonsoir ! Quel plaisir de vous retrouver!elles sont devenues menteuses, tricheuses etc. … , dites – vous . Nous en reparlerons donc quand elles seront aussi honteuses, désolées ou repentantes que nous . Chacun son tour ! P.S. je profite de l’occasion pour dire à ceux qui attendent de mes nouvelles personnalisées, par mail ou courrier, de prendre patience. Ce n’est pas de la mauvaise volonté de ma part, c’est juste du manque de temps …

  224. I remember Jerry West’s answer to a question when he was asked about the contract that he gave Vlade Divac. He stated, I do not think that he is worth ???m, but I did not want another contender with us to get him. I think it was for his second contract with the Lakers, but I forget the details, I just remember him saying he did not want one of our rivals to get him and he was willing to overspend for that reason. Sounds like we are talking about LO and Ariza, it would be bad for any other Western Conference team to get them.

  225. ape celop ar dira ni….ritu kes pijak org pun die NAFI kan..kali ni die NAFI kan lagi… mcm mana nak percaya tu…….xde keje lain ar tu…. slalu minum alkohol boleh release tention die..klu ni try advance sikit ker minum peluntur, biar luntur segala gossip… muahahahahahha…….kepercayaan aku terhadap peNAFIa008000n ko pun da luntur…Well-loved.

  226. YES, you do need preservatives in lotion, unless you keep it in the fridge and use it within two weeks. There are a couple things you can use and you can read about them here Have fun in your lotion making adventures

  227. One reason your bill is higher is because they bill you on a daily basis now with the smart meter. Every day you use excessive energy, you are thrown into the higher tiers. On days when you conserve and don’t use all your low tier kwh’s you loose them. They hide this on your bill in the chart that is called average cost per killowatt hour.

  228. Lo que dices es cierto, las ventanas cumplen una función muy importante en el ahorro/pérdida de energía. Se estudia mucho en la arquitectura moderna el comportamiento de flujos de calor según la colocación y orientación de las ventanas. Ya hay edificios que se auto-regulan con sólo abrir y cerrar ventanas, generando corrientes de aire. Hablaremos de ellos próximamente.

  229. Então vá, estão à espera de quê para deitarem cá para fora? Estamos todos aguardando para ler as paródias do blogue assumidamente "mauzinho" para à direcção.

  230. Quel bonheur Roger! En plus d'être un joueur exceptionnel, un papa comblé (pour le mari, laissons-lui le bénéfice du doute!), voilà que nous le découvrons mathématicien de génie! Calculs parfaits en plein match pour éliminer Dumbo et se venger de l'humiliation de l'an dernier! Et le tout parfaitement… en finissant 1er de son groupe! Quelle classe, fallait le faire! Go Roger, écrase JMDP dimanche!:0)

  231. This was pretty basic. Nothing new here. And I have to say that starting seedlings from seed is much more economical than buying seedlings, especially if you have a larger garden. And it isn’t that difficult.

  232. M. Montel,Votre post traduit un manque évidement d’honnêteté intellectuelle.Une réaction épidermique, non réfléchi, étayée par des arguments plus incohérents les uns que les autres.Vous devriez, pour le moins, faire amende honorable et garder une forme d’humilité face à un sport (et ses connaisseurs) qui, on la compris depuis des lustres, ne vous passionne pas vraiment.Cordialement

  233. Thanks Randell for this very timely insights of yours. I like the last paragraph most can i share this article in my FB account. My wife and I just celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary and i will tell you that those things you mentioned somewhat are the key to our long lasting marriage plus of course that it was founded in the belief that “what God has put together, let no man put asunder”. A blessed day to you brother

  234. Yeah, I’ve been thinking about considering writing something. Don’t hold your breath. Miro is to be found in the usual places, and in fine form after a bit of a mid-season slump. I’ve already asked him twice to pay us a visit, without success. I’m glad you’re fine, but do give some news. Any new feline friends? Tell me about the evenings getting longer. Do you ever sit on top of Calton Hill for the sunset?

  235. “Ves optimizem s pogledom na ta graf iz prejÅ¡njih predpostavk namreč bolj ali manj izpuhti …”> kaj naj to pomeni…”od oka” se vidi da ves čas raste, bverjetno letno 8-10%, seveda inflacijsko-prilagojen….iz grfa bi rekli da fitano raste linearno, vendar bi ga pofitali tudi z eksponentno krivuljo….

  236. Holy shit Gus, this is phenomenal. And just think- if they ever make your novel into a movie, you have the soundtrack already lined up. I love Atlas Genius and that 13th Floor Elevators song kicks ass. Thanks for taking the time to do this, I’ll listen to the full playlist on one of my next runs. And of course Cohen makes my knees weak.

  237. Are we connected or socially disconnected…I personally believe that technology has reduced our social capital—therelationships that bind people together and create a sense of community.Consequences include decreased civility, loss of behavioural boundaries and increased crime. We must find ways to deal with our profound loss ofsocial connectedness.Even though technological advances have contributed significantly to the problem of isolation, the emphasis on individualism in today’s society has compounded it.

  238. Josef: Váš odkaz sám uvádí, že mezi těmi, kdo deklarují “no religion”, je atheistů ve skutečnosti méně než 10%.Bylo by zajímavé spekulovat jak se dále štěpí ti katolíci. To, že někdo sdílí stejnou církev ještě nezmámená, že věří tomu samému. Teologie je tak složitá, že si troufám tvrdit, že co věřící to jiná představa o bohu, a většinou nápadně podobná osobnosti věřícího. Čím to asi bude?

  239. Hi! Thanks for watching my video. =) I actually just bought one one ebay, stainless steal and I just took one that cost about 15 dollars. You have to replace it every? 3 months so I thought why spend the big bucks. But if you want something that I have heard is great it is The Scientia Derma Roller. It does cost a little more but I heard it works wonders although my dermaroller worked just fine. Good luck!

  240. / Bu tür bir site için önereceÄŸin bir tema varmı üzerinde deÄŸiÅŸiklik yapabileceÄŸim logo ekleyebileceÄŸim.Bir türlü düzgün bir tema bulamadım. Sayfa baÅŸlığındaki katagoriler yazının icine girmiÅŸ, Neden oldu anlamadım.

  241. Hey, this is a great post. I agree with you, I’m not sure that Mr. Big’s ‘Interesting Dress’ comment is necessarily what we should be going for but then at the same time I think, what do men know about style anyway? Can’t wait for SATC 2. I may even dress up to go and see it this time. Cheesy I know, but these opportunities don’t come along often!

  242. It is very hard these days not to think that people who take up journalism have one basic choice to make. Either a) report the truth and be stuck in a $40,000 a year beat reporter job for 30 years, or b) shill for rich and powerful and be a millionaire anchor/pundit/op ed writer by 34. I know there are several exceptions to this generalization, but it is hard not to feel this way when constantly reading/hearing tone deaf, elitist, BS being peddled as reporting.

  243. ba6200“On peut avoir la clientèle, le carnet de commandes, la marque, sans rien produire.”oui, et alors, quel rapport avec ce que vous avancez précedemment, que la clientèle et le carnet de commande n’ont que peu de rapport avec la production? “C’est un bureau de vente.”Apple est un “bureau de vente”?Vous ne comprenez décidement pas ce qu’est le concept de survaleur! 134

  244. G’day, I am tossing between Nissin Di866 and an used 580EX (1st gen) to be used with my Canon 30d (keeping 5d mkII in the horizon!). Please advise. And to throw another line of thinking, I’m also considering two YN-468 with multi RF 603 (to add Master/slave mode) this 2 flash solution would be of same price range. Please advice what would I be compromising in the long run with the YN option ie., lack of zoom, less measured GN etc, would these compromise be so limiting that a budding strobist like me would regret later. thanks in advanceBaz

  245. Vilmoci!Köszi a kiegészítést/helyesbítést ami a szerb repülőgépiparra vonatkozik! A PG/DRRT történetébe ne mennyünk bele, az egy összetettebb folyamat. A másik, hogy el tudjunk tartani ilyen nem igazán gazdaságos üzemet, ahhoz szerintem kellenek autópályák amely kellenek ahhoz a gazdasághoz ami kitermeli azt a pénzt amibe ez kerül, de ez egy más történet és nem is idevaló, mint az is, hogy nem biztos, hogy egy autópályának ennyibe kell kerülnie, de ez itt nagyon OFF.TGTetszik / Egyetértek: 0 Az értékeléshez be kell

  246. yes, I love to be a type A personality, who doesn’t trust upper management, likes to manipulate people into getting my way and gets (and I quote) “frustrated and annoyed” with people easily. But that would be a lie, and honestly, there’s nothing more that I hate than doing sales. Makes me go into the fetal position. I’ll take customer service over that any day!

  247. Hi Yoga, tulisan kedua di hari yang sama? Good!!! Awal bagus Aku setuju denganmu tapi susah untukku berbuat sepertimu.Aku orangnya “kikrik”, suka bilang “jijik” untuk makanan yang secara visual nggak menarik. Tapi berkali-kali aku dimarahi istriku gara-gara yang satu ini.Lalu hilangkah kebiasaan burukku itu? Tidak, belum Tapi setidaknya aku bisa membatin saja untuk bilang “jijik” or “kikrik” Yoga:Mengingatkanku pada satu kata (kikrik) yang dulu pernah disebutkan untukku…

  248. I have observed that online degree is getting popular because obtaining your degree online has become a popular selection for many people. A lot of people have definitely not had a chance to attend a regular college or university although seek the raised earning potential and a better job that a Bachelor’s Degree offers. Still people might have a degree in one field but would want to pursue some thing they now develop an interest in.

  249. Não me conformo, Massa estava ótimo no Q2, fez o melhor tempo e parecia ter cartas na manga para melhorar mais ainda. Mas no Q3, depois de ser superado por pouco pelo Raikkonen, parou nos ultimos momentos e colocou pneus duros caindo para 5°. Aí veio o Hamilton e deu o golpe de misericórdia com a pole definitiva. De quem terá sido a decisão de trocar os pneus para composto mais duro? Agora vai ser phoda, mas nada é impossível na F1 e tomara que o Massa tenha cabeça fria.

  250. Rsrsrsrsss…..Oi amigo, isto era um segredo de estado! Agora ninguém vai mais comprar a imagem que eu vendo de fortão e todo poderoso, rsrsrsrsssss!!!E lembrar que ela só tem um metro e sessenta hem!Não sei onde arruma tanta força para me carregar a tanto tempo o tempo todo, porque segundo os filhos dela eu sou um grande mala, rsrsrsss…A minha sorte é que ela manda neles também, me sinto vingado, hahahahahahahaaaa…Boa memória a sua, mesmo fora de hora não é!!!Obrigado pelo carinho, grande abraço.

  251. વિદ્યુત, તમે ખૂબ સુરક્ષિત હોઈ દેખાશે, આધ્યાત્મિક જોડાયેલ & એક મહેનતુ વ્યક્તિગત, સાહસ એક ગૂઢ અર્થમાં સાથે. કાર્ય – સંતોષ તમારા ટોપ પ્રાયોરિટી રહેશે એવું લાગે છે. મને ખાતરી છે કે છું, તમે લક ઓફ far.Best જશે!!

  252. I've found many beautiful things there over the years, lovely towels, crystal pieces, beautiful plates, etc. I got pieces of my wedding crystal for a tiny fraction of their normal price, never seen them since that one time. You can't go looking for something specific or you will be disappointed. When you see something you like, buy it because it won't be there if you go back!!

  253. My partner and I absolutely love your blog and find many of your post’s to be exactly what I’m looking for. Do you offer guest writers to write content available for you? I wouldn’t mind producing a post or elaborating on most of the subjects you write about here. Again, awesome blog!

  254. A.J.P. Taylor's Origins of the Second World War, for all its flaws, provides a suitably sympathetic picture of Chamberlain and the sometimes noble intentions of the advocates of appeasement. (Incidentally, there was a slew of cash-in biographies of Chamberlain released in the autumn of 1938 and early 1939, indicating his immense popularity.)As a German, I'd also point – uncontroversially, I hope – to Churchill's pushing forward the systematic use of carpet bombing of German cities, which killed 600,000 people by most (however uncertain) estimates, half of them children.

  255. Marrante l’interview de Fed, comme d’habitude ces derniers temps.Il savait que Reister le considérait comme son idole donc cela l’a bien aidé.Monfort lui demande si malgré son caractère sympathique il souhaite la victoire de ses adversaires contre lui. Réponse de Fed:« Euh quand même pas, je leur souhaite de gagner tous les tournois où je ne joue pas  »Autre news: Fed lit les journaux suisses, c’est là qu’il examine ses futures proies. Un match bien maitrisé du Suisse.

  256. tahniah kpd datuk muklis kerana saudara adalah ketua pemuda yg sebenar. bahagian2/ cawangan2 dari seluruh malaysia mencalon saudara sebagai ketua pemuda dan mendapat pencalonan tertinggi. kami perwakilan dari cawangan2 dan bahagian2 masih menganggap saudara masih ketua pemuda umno malaysia. kita hapuskan perasuah2 ini dan jgn kita hormati.

  257. Uy, si nos ponemos a debatir cosas de estas molonas nos volvemos locos poniéndonos a discernir entre el hombre natural y civil o la moralidad del individuo, pero igual nos salimos del tema. El descontrol que provoca la pluralidad de un grupo claro que vuelve imbécil al hombre, pero creo que otra de las facetas de los estudios de este señor iba por lo que degrada y desfigura la sociedad al individuo libre.¡Mejor no ahondo que no soy de letras!

  258. It may be interest that according to , 135000 European applications were filed in 2006 (seems to be the most recent data available). If it takes 3-5 years for grant that probably equates to around half a million patents pending.Similarly, according to for the same year around 453000 US applications were filed – which equates to around 2 million patents pending.The maths is pretty rough but 5-10 million pending worldwide doesn’t seem that far out …

  259. 137 Posted by 70 on 16September 16, 2012 at 1c12:07 pm 40 3ebHi Donna! This is incredibly intriguing to me and very timely. I have been listening to a meditative podcast as I fall asleep to calm my mind and focus my attention and intention for the morning. I feel the same ‘overwhelm’ you have described and definitely need a mind state change. Thank you as always for sharing your personal development stories to help us overcome our own challenges!Rebekah Radice recently posted..

  260. I may not be a greatest fan of Adam Lambert but I can say he’s got a nice voice and a interesting style. It took alought of courage to go on that stage and show his different side it was a bit odd but most of them are .He is who he is and will always be even though I like the adam lambert on american idol better I’m gonna have to accept the new and bad adam.

  261. It is with great shock and sadness we hear of the tagic Loss of Angela . Our thoughts are with Sergio,Andres and all the family at this very difficult time. Gain strength from knowing that she will always be watching over you from above and will never truly leave you.Angela , rest in peace it was a privelage to know you, you will always be part of the Campo family .MichelleCampo London

  262. Registered Providers of social housing (aka housing associations/RSLs) also need to be listed as partners in clause 5, given case law that they are in some circumstances, ‘public bodies’ and due to their staffs’ fundamental role in detecting and responding to abuse and their potential (often unrealised) role strategically in ‘hot spot’ areas. Many safeguarding partnerships consider, wrongly, that the council housing department is the only housing agency that needs to be involved.

  263. You’re absolutely right about this strange habit, but I need to say one thing: the majority of people don’t swear by using the word kanker (cancer). It is considered the roughest and most offensive curse ever and everybody who has developped some level of decency will always avoid this word.

  264. K,Thank you for your comment. I apologize for not responding sooner, but I was trying to decide how to respond. I believe I understand your views on this issue, but I am curious how you reconcile those with what God has revealed about Himself in the Bible?

  265. heute habe ich im journal „neue horizonte 93 / 94″ – wissenschaftl. almanach einen absolut interessanten beitrag zum thema „homosexualität“ gelesen. dieser artikel ist aufschlußreich und absolut aufklärend: danach ist in jeder gesellschaft (= wissenschaftlich nachgewiesen) ein viertel (also 25 %!) homosexuell veranlagt. wieviele davon ihre veranlagung offen oder überhaupt ausleben ist ja auch nicht so jetzt wichtig.insofern zu glauben im fußball oder in der armee oder bei der polizei oder sonstwo (selbst bei sondereinheiten) keine homosexuelle gebe – wäre einfach zu kurz gegriffen.

  266. “I’ve gone ahead and bookmarked at Digg.com so my friends can see it too. I simply used | Ghost Train Willy as the entry title in my Digg.com bookmark, as I figured if it is good enough for you to title your blog post that, then you probably would like to see it bookmarked the same way.“

  267. Acabei de verificar o seu site. É muito legal. Compreendo que estamos na mesma página quando se trata de levar as pessoas para o céu. Se há algo que eu possa fazer para ajudá-lo, por favor me avise. Eu ficaria muito feliz em ajudar se eu puder. Deus os abençoe,Dave

  268. Hola! Pues a mí me han sorprendido varios datos… para empezar son 1.000 empresas y 296 encuestas, por tanto tampoco es definitorio de la situación real, sino de una pequeña parte. Eso sí, los datos están ahí y son reales sobre la pequeña proporción que representan. Que a estas alturas la inversión en SMS/MMS triplique a la de juegos, es un dato bastante relevante por lo que tú dices, el tema social y demás. Aunque hay partes muy interesantes como el 43% correspondiente a Intranets

  269. Lonliness, emptiness, all the other negative emotions that food cant take away, only goes away until the next time you want to change how you feel. Food, smoking, drinking, its just a temporary bandaid compared to this technique. Get rid of it once and for all and reclaim your life. Its shorter than you think! Why suffer if you dont have to?

  270. I need to exercise, I have equipment here at home. But don’t use. How do I get motivated?I have a treadmill, exercise bike, abdominal exerciser and a hip and thigh buster. I have used them, but not lately. I have become lazy. How do I get motivated? I cannot afford to go to a gym. I have noticed I am not as toned as I used to be. Any advice on how to motivated for exercise would help. Thanks!

  271. I follow your blog Wonderful dress! I'd almost like to add some color to the outfit, and when I think of colors that would go well with gold, I first think of electric blue.. so maybe electric blue heels, an electric blue clutch and then some hair accessory. Not sure if any jewelry would be needed, the dress is so shiny itself

  272. we’re this far from nuking all of you….the X-MAS vacuum cleaner for the atheists….shermer, randi, myers, pz, dawkins, harristhecoolgadgets.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/henry-desktop-vacuum1.jpgyoutube.com/watch?v=lz4R0GHfM-Y&why does everyone always want to PUNCH you, shermer?THE HIGH PRICE OF REVOLUTIONyoutube.com/user/xviolatex?feature=mhum

  273. Büyük ihtimalle “müşteri tekilleÅŸtirmesi”nde yanlışlık yapılmıştır. Yqani, sizin GSM kaydınız, veya e-mail adresi kaydınız ile diÄŸer kimlikleriniz eÅŸleÅŸmemiÅŸtir.Dolayısıyla, Garanti Bankası sizi bir baÅŸka Serbay, Eren, Ceyla veya Hayalet sanıyordur (elbette insandan deÄŸil de veri modelinden bahsediyorum.)EÄŸer “bu da CRM hatasıdır” derseniz haklısınız. Sadece yanlışın yerini belirtmek istedim.Bu nedenle CRM bir kere baÅŸlandığında “bitmeyen yolculuktur” diyoruz.

  274. Notons que sur le même fil, d’autres ne se sont pas privé de tirer sur la corde :Rédigé par : Ph.H | le 03 juillet 2009 à 11:00Ph.H, Et la Comtesse de relever votre fausse coquille, dont on aurait pu croire – si elle était fraîche –, qu’elle était destinée à l’offuscation de la vraie :â–º Comment oublier la verve intarissable de celui qui a cru bon de rouler des un peu partout et de le faire savoir ? .(à suivre)

  275. Scharfsinnig die Gewaltenteilung the­ma­ti­siert. Die kul­tu­relle Evolution beinhal­tet auch Vorzeichenwechsel, wenn ein geglaub­tes Zwischenoptimum zum abstei­gen­den Ast mutiert. Wer das nicht erkennt, ist ohne rela­ti­vie­rende Ausrede ein(e) Anachronist/in, nicht nur im Rechtswesen. Wie die von ihrer Tradition unbe­las­te­ten Grünen inner­halb von nur 40 Jahren zum Spießbürgertum mutie­ren konn­ten, ist ein der Rückgratslosigkeit geschul­de­tes demo­kra­ti­sches Trauerspiel. Im Diversifizieren von Assimilation und Integration ist Erdogan, der Atatürks Säkularisierung rüch­gän­gig macht, wohl ein Vorbild?

  276. video from FCP into.. well.. whatever. I actually used the highest piece of technology I actually own (this being the iphone 4 I have) to upload some videos that I shot on my iphone to my blog, using the wordpress app – which is about as “instant gratification” as you could possibly get. And people still complain.You’d think that the industry would actually get their shit together so that there aren’t so many damn video formats, or that there weren’t literally a zillion ways that you can do them, and a trillion ways that you can fuck up a video so that it won’t play on something.

  277. “…to say the Catholics elected to get out of the business because of discrimination is ridiculous!!!”It’s factually accurate that Catholic Charities elected to exit that business because they refused to comply with Illinois law that banned discrimination. That is what happened, is it not? Is accuracy ridiculous to you, Ted?Can you cite any actual caselaw to back up your assertion that this law which outlaws discrimination by adoption agencies is unconstitutional or is this just another example of you irrationally calling anything that stops Catholics from imposing their religion on everyone a violation of the first amendment?

  278. Caro RB… esses dedinhos… vejamos…Settings –> General –> Keyboard –> Auto-correction offNo mesmo sítio abaixo –> International keyboards –> Portuguese (Portugal).Isto dá para pedir umas equivalências na FEUP? Tenho esse curso por acabar… 🙂 — JRF

  279. Tell us why we should invest in …. stocks, bonds, currencies, commodities, cd’s or any other asset class.Because there’s not telling what will happen to thse (possibly excepting the CDs) with everybody saying we’re going to hell, but nobody agreeing on whether we’re going to inflation-hell or deflation-hell.Admittedly they will all do better than real estate near term.But here’s a funny thought – if we have a hyperinflation, what is the hedge against that – perhaps a house?Nah! That would be crazy. (Disclaimer: EVERYTHING IS CRAZY! I’M CRAZY!)

  280. Excellent post. I used to be checking continuously this blog and I’m inspired! Very useful info specifically the final section I handle such info a lot. I was looking for this particular info for a long time. Thank you and best of luck.

  281. سلاممن همه ی دی ال سی ها رو ریختم و به خصوص مپ ترمینال اما باز نمیتونم تو مپ ترمینال بازی کنم …

  282. tolerate intolerancerespect evil practiceslike stoning rape victimsabsurd thought -God of the Universe thinkswomen are half a manbeating wives is permittedbut first kick her out of bedabsurd thought -God of the Universe saysavoid tough questionsallow Sharia to rulebring back eighth centuryabsurd thought -God of the Universewants Taliban Earththat’s what liberals want toodestroy all human rightsabsurdthoughtsaboutgod.blogspot.comhaltterrorism.com.

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